Learning Across the ELC

Learning about Safety in the Preschool
Over the last fortnight the Preschool children have been listening to songs about calling 000 in an emergency . We engaged the children in conversations about their own homes, knowing their parents names, phone numbers, house number and street name. These are all really important details to know in an emergency. As part of the Child Protection Curriculum, we have been learning how to recognise when we are feeling 'unsafe' and understanding more about trusted adults, to build our own 'trust networks'. We have been focusing on keeping safe in our community, and invited the Metropolitan Fires Service and SAPOL in to chat with the children and let them ask questions and explore their service vehicles. MFS Station Captain Mark and fire fighters Alex, Jeremy and Tom came to visit and taught us the difference between safe fires and unsafe fires.
We learnt that when it is smoky in a building we need to 'get down low and go, go go!' We were shown how to 'Stop (cover our face), Drop and Roll' if our clothing is on fire. All the Tuesday children had an opportunity to climb into the Fire Engine and squirt the hose down Talbot Grove. Probationary Constable Dan and Constable Joe from SAPOL were talking about ways to keep safe, and letting our Thursday children take turns exploring their police patrol car, looking at pictures of police dogs in their system and showing us how to make the lights and sirens work too. The children asked many questions about how fast they can drive and how to catch baddies.
Ms Ollie Lauder
ELC Teacher
Learning in Banksia
Students have been looking at the human body during their group times with Ms Cocca. To extend on their learning they were invited to explore bones under the light table. The bones on display are healthy bones, broken bones, and swallowed objects.
Austin “look that person swallowed a car”
Myles “broken toe, broken arm”
John “broken leg”
Sophie “look it’s a foot”
Educators Day 6th September
Early Childhood Educators’ Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australian educators in early learning services for the important role they play in supporting children’s wellbeing, learning and development in the early years. Thank you to the Loreto families who made the day special for our early childhood educators on this day!
Monique Signore
ELC Educator
Connecting with Food in Wattle
This fortnight our Wattle children were engaged in hands on experience in connecting with food. Educators showed children different cultural food pictures and spoke how food preparation is different in all cultural. There are dishes that are prepared on special occasion and dishes that are made on daily basis. This experience supports children to understand the diversity food brings in all the cultures around the world. And how we all can enjoy these various delicacies with sheer joy. Eating together can build social connections, allowing everyone to celebrate their similarities and differences. Cultural food shapes the way people live and feel. It affects their identity and their culture.
To foster this connection and continue with our inquiry focus. Our Wattle children engaged in cooking experience during their intentional group times.
Ms Manasi Kewlani
ELC Team Leader