
By Melissa Treverton



Parents and Carers are reminded that they are legally required to provide a note to explain their child’s absence from school.

At Parkdale SC parents can inform the school of the reason for their absence via:

  • Logging the absence on COMPASS
  • Providing a handwritten and signed note to the child’s Tutor teacher.
  • Calling the attendance officer (9580 6311 – ext. 1)

Parents and carers are notified of their child’s unexplained absence via an SMS at 10.30am on the day of the absence and via the Parent portal on COMPASS.

We ask that parents endeavour to provide a note for any unexplained absences on same day or as soon as practicable.

The following reasons are approved by the Department of Education for parent notification of absence.

Absence ReasonDepartment of education definitionExamples  

Medical/ illness


Student is not at school for medical reasons


  • Student is at home unwell 
  • Student has been sent home from school unwell.
  • Student has been injured during class and is sent home.
  • Student is in hospital

Medical Appointment


Student is not at school, attending an appointment


  • Student is attending an appointment with a doctor or medical specialist. 
  • Student has a dental appointment.
  • Student has a speech therapy appointment.
  • Other medical appointments.
  • Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours wherever possible.



Includes funeral, death in the family, absence due to a death.
  • Student is attending a funeral.
  • Student is away due to the death of a friend or family member.



Parent knows about the absence, but does not approve of it or parent doesn’t know about the absence


  • Parent is aware of absence but does not approve.
  • Parent does not know about the absence and believes the student went to school, but they went elsewhere.

Parent Choice


Parent explained the reason for the absence, but it doesn’t fit any of the other categories


  • Includes special circumstances, unavoidable causes, unforeseen circumstances, and an ill family member.
  • Student is a household contact of a person with COVID, is testing negative, but is kept away from school as a precaution.

Family Holiday


Student is away on a family holiday


  • Student is travelling with their family to see parts of the UK.
  • Student is visiting relatives in India with their family.
  • School must be notified prior to the holiday and a Student Absence Learning Plan agreed to.

Religious/ Cultural Observance


Student is kept away from school for a religious or cultural observance


  • The student is attending Eid celebrations with their family.


Important points to note when reporting an absence:

  • A full day absence should be set from 8.00am to 5.00pm to cover the entire school day.
  • Students who participate in ESP/STEP require an absence note from 7.00am – 5.00pm

There are currently a large number of unexplained absences sitting against our students, we ask that parents and carers log in to COMPASS to check their child’s attendance and rectify any unexplained absences.

Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.


Melissa Treverton

Assistant Principal