
Lisa Male | Student Wellbeing, Inclusion and Engagement Leader

Nuturing Happy Children

At Skye Primary School, we know the importance of focusing on each child's wellbeing, so they are ready to take on the demands of learning each day. All parents, carers and educators want to see their child/ren and students happy and thriving each day. Thankfully, there is a wealth of research-backed strategies we can use to boost our children's sense of happiness. At Skye Primary School, we continually work to develop gratitude, resilience, positive social connections and effective coping strategies with our students at Skye Primary School, using Zones of Regulation, Respectful Relationships and School-Wide Positive Behaviour Supports in a proactive, explicit way throughout each year. Staff are also beginning training this term in evidence-based, trauma-informed practices through the Berry Street Educational Model. In this newsletter article, we'll explore some evidence-based tips to help you support your child's emotional well-being.


1. Encourage Positive Social Connections

Research consistently shows that positive social relationships are a cornerstone of happiness. Encourage your child to make friends and engage in activities that foster social bonds. Arrange playdates, encourage teamwork in extracurricular activities, and create opportunities for your child to develop and maintain friendships.

2. Foster Gratitude

Studies suggest that practicing gratitude is linked to increased happiness. Encourage your child to keep a gratitude journal, where they jot down things they are thankful for each day. This simple exercise can help them focus on the positive aspects of their life and build resilience.

3. Teach Emotional Regulation

Research has shown that children with strong emotional regulation skills are often happier. Help your child identify and express their feelings, and teach them how to manage emotions in a healthy way. Deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques can be effective tools.

4. Promote Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for physical health but also mental well-being. Ensure your child has ample opportunities for active play and encourage sports or hobbies that they enjoy. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.

5. Limit Screen Time

Excessive screen time has been associated with lower happiness levels in children. Set reasonable limits on screen time and encourage activities that involve face-to-face interactions, physical play, and creative pursuits.

6. Establish Routines

Research shows that children thrive in structured environments. Create consistent daily routines, including set bedtimes, mealtimes, and home reading/study schedules. Predictability can reduce stress and anxiety.

7. Show Unconditional Love and Support

Perhaps the most vital factor is the unconditional love and support you provide. Studies reveal that children who feel loved and accepted are more likely to be happy. Create an open and trusting environment where your child can express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.


By implementing these evidence-based strategies, you can play a crucial role in nurturing your child's happiness. Remember that happiness is a lifelong skill, and your guidance and support will set the foundation for their emotional well-being in the future.