
Kim Weissenburger | Acting Assistant Principal

"A word is a small magic, a spell that can unlock the world."

        - Jane Yolen   


Vocabulary learning is all about the words we need to know to understand both what we hear and read, and to communicate clearly and with persion. 


At Skye Primary School we understannd the critical role that vocabulary plays in learning to read. We know that beginning readers must use the words they hear orally to make sense of the words they see in print. Kids who hear more words spoken at home, learn more words, and come to school with stronger vocabularies. The larger a student's vocabulary the greater their ability to make meaning from what they read. 


What we do at school 

Recognising the important role that vocabulary plays in reading comprehension, teachers explicitly teach 3-5 new words per week. These come from class novels, picture storybooks used during instruction and Inquiry topics. Students are also encouraged to be 'Word Wizards' and are always on the lookout for new and interesting words to add to the class Word Wall.  


What you can do at home 

We've found that no matter their age, children love to have a story read to them or to read together. Discuss new words and make it a competition to use them at home or have your child bring them to school to share. Though it seems simple, the more words that kids hear, the better their vocabulary so talk, talk, talk!


Year 6 'Word of the Week'

Our fabulous Year 6 teachers have introduced the Word of the Week to encourage conversation about words. This week's word is 'diverse' which means 'a great deal of variety'.The Word of the Week will be introduced on Skye News at Assembly on Monday mornings. Make sure to ask your child what is the word of the week?!