Connect: Year 3

October 2023

Wednesday 18th OctoberART SHOW! 4pm- 6pm
Tuesday 31st OctoberHot Chip Day - info to come

Welcome back to our wonderful families! Last week was an adjustment with daylight savings, but the students dove straight into their learning and we were impressed with their work ethic. Term Four often flies by and is jam packed for both students and teachers. Please refer to dates we post and if any additional information is needed we will happily email families to keep you in the loop! 


What's happening in our classrooms?

Literacy: One of our favourite mentor texts was used in Week One! 'The day the crayons quit' is a fun story about a packet of crayons 'quitting' on their illustrator... unhappy with their jobs. The students listened to this story and we focused on the concept - personification... feel free to ask your child what this may be! We have included the link to the read aloud story further below. The students linked this with their writing. They wrote from the perspective of a coloured crayon and told Duncan EXACTLY how they felt... with hilarious results. Check them out below under the celebration of learning!


Maths: During Week One, we spent the time revising our understanding of place value. We worked with numbers from 1000 and beyond. The students worked on renaming and used expanders to understand how we can say the value of the numbers in different ways. We began our understanding of rounding to the closest 10 and 100. Over the next fortnight we will be ordering numbers and playing games to strengthen our understanding. We will briefly look at the concept of 'chance' and predicting events and their outcomes.


Inquiry: This term our unit will be called 'First Contact'. This unit encompasses the history of the First Fleet, the landing at Botany Bay and the rich history of First Nations peoples. We will spend the first weeks immersing the students, watching videos and pretesting their knowledge. 


Wellbeing: We took a little break from Zones of Regulation during the last few weeks of last term, so started Term Four with a refresher of sorting emotions into the zones. We then went through situations and responded with an emotion of how that event would make us feel. This fortnight we will look at 'Zones across the day' and how we moved from zone to zone depending on the events happening to us and around us. 



The Day the Crayons Quit..

A celebration of learning!

Check out the efforts of some of our wonderful students writing from the perspective of a crayon.... We had a good laugh at some of these! Well done to all of the students who embraced this task and had some fun!



Have a wonderful fortnight everyone!

The Grade Three team ~ Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef