General School News
- Showing pride for our school starts with the College uniform. At assembly, Ms. McBryde, on behalf of the the pastoral team, spoke about how students at SMCC should be proud to be part of our community and show this by wearing the uniform with pride. We look forward to finishing the year strong with the College uniform worn with pride and respect for the community.
- We wish our Year 12 students good luck with their final week of exam preparation at school.
- The St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal was launched at the College Assembly recently and we look forward to the many donations over the coming weeks to support those less fortunate than ourselves.
- All students this week will be involved in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons on Tuesday in Period 2.
- Thank you to the Pastoral Team and College Counsellors for their organisation of SMCC events throughout QLD Mental Health Week. We enjoyed the activities across the week, designed to enhance student and staff wellbeing. Please continue to look out for one another and seek support if required.
Leah McBryde
Assistant Principal, Junior Years (7 - 9) |
Justin Brennan
Acting Assistant Principal, Senior Years (10 -12) |
Year 7
- Welcome to Week 3!
- We are blessed with beautiful grounds at St. Mary’s Catholic College, and with that comes wildlife, including our feathered friends, plovers. These birds have chosen our oval to nest, and it is our responsibility to ensure their safety and security during the nesting period. Please do not disturb their habitat and leave their eggs in place. Barriers have now been placed around the nest, and there is plenty of room on the oval to coexist.
- This week, during our SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) lesson, students will be learning about motivation, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Students will develop an understanding of the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, along with the benefits of each.
- The Vinnies Christmas Appeal is well underway, and we thank those who have already kindly donated. Adding a small non-perishable item to your weekly groceries could go a long way in helping those in need.
Christina Borzi
Head of Year 7
Year 8
- Welcome to Week 3!
- Litter, in particular single use plastics, is becoming an increasing problem in areas of the school frequented by Year 8’s. Whilst the litter may seem small, it has a huge impact on our environment and plays a significant role in killing marine life. If the litter problem persists, restrictions to accessing areas of the playground may come in to place.
- This week during our SEL lesson students will be identifying values that are important to them and discussing how enacting these values benefits both themselves and others in their community.
Andy Winter
Head of Year 8
Year 9
- Welcome to Week 3!
- This week during SEL, students will be participating in an induction section with VPG regarding work experience. Please encourage students to make note of any questions they may have so we can answer it on Tuesday after the presentation.
- Vinnies Christmas Appeal is upon us. Students have been put to the challenge to bring in as many items as they can as a PG. The Christmas Appeal is a great initiative to ensure all families have food on the table this Christmas. The PG with the most items will win a prize for their efforts.
Saripha Curro
Head of Year 9
Year 10
- Welcome to Week 3!
- For the next two weeks, the students will be focusing on resilience in our Tuesday SEL lesson. Resilience is such an essential skill for success at school and in general life. It helps us to thrive in the face of adversity and manage stressful situations. I hope that the students will take on board the content that will be covered.
- The St Vincent De Paul collection has begun for 2023 and the challenge for our cohort is to give generously to those who will be doing it tough this Christmas. Last year our cohort was exceptional and I would like to see if we can repeat this for 2023. To make it more interesting, we will add this event into our House Spirit Challenge with each item donated counting as a point for the House.
John Cahill
Head of Year 10
Year 11
- Welcome to Week 3!
- It is Year 11 exams week next week; students have been working hard and I wish them all the best of luck! Students are required to check the exam timetable carefully and present to the allocated room, in formal uniform, on time. Study rooms will be made available for students staying in school in between exams or due to transport complications, however only amenities and the tuckshop will be available, students cannot roam around the school when not in exam.
- Community Day on Green Island is Monday 23 October, please check your emails to ensure you have all the details.
- Order form for Senior Shirts will be sent out via parent slip; sizing confirmation and payment will be done at the Uniform Shop. The deadline is Wednesday 25 October.
Sophie McQueen
Head of Year 11
Year 12
- Welcome to Week 3!
- Year 11 Block exams this week in T block - PGs 12.1, 2, 3 & 4: please be mindful of exams when returning to lockers.
- VET students who have completed their certificate work are not required to attend school this week. Be sure you know when and where your exams are in Week 4.
- Tuesday:
- SEL: There will be a presentation from “Red Frogs” related to schoolies week.
- Sport : There will be a presentation from Police and Paramedics. Both sessions are fascinating, entertaining, and provide useful information.
- External exams commence next week. Please be sure you know when and where your exams will be and ensure you are on time with all the necessary equipment. See the email from Mrs. Ross for details (12th Oct). Best of luck to you all!
Lucy Fitzpatrick
Head of Year 12