Leading Teachers @ Glenroy

Leading Teacher: Junior Sub-School Leader

Role: The Leading Teacher: Junior Sub-School Leader will coach and assist teachers to provide a coordinated approach to the provision of the sub-schools Learning and Wellbeing programs. The Leader works directly with student managers, the wellbeing team, and a variety of outside agencies to provide wrap-around support for students, families, and staff.


Ryan Lok
Ryan Lok

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Build a cohesive sub-school identity by overseeing the organisation of assemblies, year-level events, excursions, camps, workshops, awards, end-of-semester awards, term 1 parent evening, Awards Night, community events, and well-being programs.
  • Oversee all disciplinary processes within the Junior Sub School, including managing detentions, referrals, and overseeing student lateness. Organise and lead meetings related to these areas.
  • Coordinate and oversee the award systems for SWPBS, Academic Achievement, and Academic Growth, cultivating a culture of recognition and accomplishment.
  • Build a cohesive sub-school approach to engagement and wellbeing through embedding our College Values and School Wide Positive Behaviours.
  • Build a cohesive sub-school approach to develop student resilience and individual responsibility through student agency and voice, and facilitate opportunities to inclusively celebrate student success and diversity. 
  • Oversee the daily work of the year 7-9 student managers, ensuring robust student management. This includes overseeing the management of student locker assignments and handling disciplinary actions such as detentions and referrals.
  • Monitor the calendar to minimise disruption and maximise participation and effectiveness. 
  • Oversee monitoring of and processes to manage student attendance, including late arrivals.
  • Ensure relevant information about students and their needs is accessible by teachers, and that all students at risk are provided with appropriate support. This includes the creation of Classroom Learner Plans and Behaviour Support Plans.
  • Oversee the creation of IEPs for at-risk students.
    • IEP creation for OOHC and ATSI students to be completed by *****.
    • IEP creation for PSD students to be completed by the ****.
    • IEP creation for other students to be completed by *****.
  • Build staff capacity to implement actions in Individual Education Plans (IEPs), providing coaching and leading Professional Learning Teams (PLTs).
  • Actively engage parents in their child’s education and ensure regular and effective communication between home and school, especially during information nights and other community events.
  • Manage student year 6 to 7 transition and oversee the end of year program.
  • Collaboratively plan yr. 7 Orientation Day, parent information evening and first-week transition program with yr. 7 Student Manager.
  • Coordinate grade 6 transition meetings for at-risk students with relevant support staff.
  • Oversee the transition of students between year levels, including the creation of class lists, ensuring all individual student information (particularly IEPs) is passed on to the next year’s Level Leader in December.
  • Regularly report to the community on items of interest within the Sub-school.
  • Lead lesson observation, data coaching, training, and professional development in one-on-one, small-group, and large-group settings.
  • Other duties as directed by the Principal Team.



Termly/ Semesterly 

  • Daily check-in with team and individual members (quick)
  • Oversight and support for restorative conversations and detentions (checking-in, rostering and support) 
  • Ongoing support for student incidents (e.g. providing advice, following up specific parts, coordinating communication between leaders/ teachers/ students/ families) 
  • Monitoring and support for students who are referred (and activating next steps for any students who are being monitored) 
  • Support for parent phone calls (e.g. Collaborating on tricky phone calls if needed) 
  • Oversight and coordination of suspensions (in consultation with AP) 
  • Support and conversations with staff about individual students and ongoing classroom behaviour issues


Weekly team check-in and information sharing (e.g. start or end of week) 

  • Communication about events, changes to schedules, need for support and more each week 
  • Oversight and support of tracking lates, adding to detentions and parent communication 
  • Checking in with AO about absences or attendance issues 
  • Oversight and support for parent meetings (knowing which ones are happening and providing support where needed) 
  • Oversight and support for post suspension meetings (knowing which ones are happening and providing support where needed) 
  • Providing leadership for SWPBS application as a team and coming up with ideas/ strategies/ resources to apply this in the classroom 
  • Working with the APs to develop a process for tracking engagement and behaviour data (e.g. referrals on Compass)
  • Coordinate the Term plan (including assemblies) with YLLs
  • Oversee student movement across classes (within the year)
  • Oversee year level and student progression (end of the year) 
  • Work with the AP to oversee Year 6 into 7 transitions (JSS LT) 
  • Work with the team to refine and improve Personal Learning and Projects (including scope and sequence, timelines) 
  • Engaging and ongoing follow up with external providers, programs and supports for individuals, families and groups of students (e.g. Assuria, Newstart, Teaching units and more)
  • Ongoing community communication e.g. newsletters, event, sub school news


Committee Membership:

  • Leadership
  • CIT

Leading Teacher: Senior Sub-School Leader

The Leading Teacher: Senior Sub-School Leader will coach and assist teachers to provide a coordinated approach to the provision of the sub-schools Learning and Wellbeing programs. The Leader works directly with student managers, the wellbeing team, and a variety of outside agencies to provide wrap-around support for students, families, and staff.


Emma Lynch
Emma Lynch

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Build a cohesive sub-school identity by overseeing the organisation of assemblies, year-level events, excursions, camps, workshops, Valedictory/Formal, Year 12 Celebration Day, end-of-semester awards, VCE Parent Information Night in November, term 1 parent evening, Awards Night and well-being programs
  • Build a cohesive sub-school approach to engagement and wellbeing through embedding our College Values and School Wide Positive Behaviours
  • Build a cohesive sub-school approach to develop student resilience and individual responsibility through student agency and voice, and facilitate opportunities to inclusively celebrate student success and diversity  
  • Oversee the daily work of the year 10-12 student managers
  • Monitor the calendar to minimise disruption and maximise participation and effectiveness.
  • Oversee monitoring of and processes to manage student attendance
    • Processes and responsibilities for managing attendance are detailed in the Student Management handbook
  • Oversee 10-12 subject changes
    • Subject changes to be completed by the Timetable leader after approval
  • Oversee management of the Senior School Handbook
    • Updates to be completed by *****
  • Ensure relevant information about students and their needs is accessible by teachers, and that all students at risk are provided with appropriate support
  • Oversee the creation of IEPs for at-risk students
    • IEP creation for OOHC and ATSI students to be completed by *** 
    • IEP creation for PSD students to be completed by the ******
    • IEP creation for other students to be completed by *****
  • Build staff capacity to implement actions in Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
  • Actively engage parents, including parent groups in their child’s education and ensure regular and effective communication between home and school
  • Overseeing the transition of students between year levels, ensuring all individual student information (including IEPs) is passed on to the next year’s Level Leader in December
  • Oversee the creation of a School Assessed Coursework Calendar for the following year in December
    • Individual calendars will be collated by Student Managers
  • Manage VCE processes including VASS data and applications for special provisions
    • VASS data to be completed by VASS Ed Support
  • Oversee structure and management of Senior School Exams 
    • Internal Exam timetable (Inc. staffing) to be completed by the ****
    • External exam responsibilities including seating plans, supervisors, and transfer of student exams to be completed by the *****
  • Oversee the structure and management of the Headstart program 
    • Head start timetable (Inc. staffing) to be completed by the *****
  • To regularly report to the community on items of interest within the Sub-school
  • Lead lesson observation, data coaching, training, and professional development in one-on-one, small-group, and large-group settings
  • Other duties as directed by the Principal Team 



Termly/ Semesterly 

  • Daily check-in with team and individual members (quick)
  • Oversight and support for restorative conversations and detentions (checking-in, rostering and support) 
  • Ongoing support for student incidents (e.g. providing advice, following up specific parts, coordinating communication between leaders/ teachers/ students/ families) 
  • Monitoring and support for students who are referred (and activating next steps for any students who are being monitored) 
  • Support for parent phone calls (e.g. Collaborating on tricky phone calls if needed) 
  • Oversight and coordination of suspensions (in consultation with AP) 
  • Support and conversations with staff about individual students and ongoing classroom behaviour issues


  • Weekly team check-in and information sharing (e.g. start or end of week) 
  • Communication about events, changes to schedules, need for support and more each week 
  • Oversight and support of tracking lates, adding to detentions and parent communication 
  • Checking in with AO about absences or attendance issues 
  • Oversight and support for parent meetings (knowing which ones are happening and providing support where needed) 
  • Oversight and support for post suspension meetings (knowing which ones are happening and providing support where needed) 
  • Providing leadership for SWPBS application as a team and coming up with ideas/ strategies/ resources to apply this in the classroom 
  • Working with the APs to develop a process for tracking engagement and behaviour data (e.g. referrals on Compass)
  • Coordinate the Term plan (including assemblies) with YLLs
  • Oversee student movement across classes (within the year)
  • Oversee year level and student progression (end of the year) 
  • Work with the AP to oversee Year 6 into 7 transitions (JSS LT) 
  • Work with the team to refine and improve Personal Learning and Projects (including scope and sequence, timelines) 
  • Engaging and ongoing follow up with external providers, programs and supports for individuals, families and groups of students (e.g. Assuria, Newstart, Teaching units and more)
  • Ongoing community communication e.g. newsletters, event, sub school news


Committee Membership:

  • Leadership
  • CIT

Leading Teacher: Student Agency and Growth

RoleThe Leading Teacher of Math Domain will provide a coordinated approach to develop, document and implement a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum that supports the School’s Strategic Plan. The LT will mentor and coach teachers in the Math Domain (including ES and TLIs) to build capacity and support effective teacher practice. 


Kate Peach
Kate Peach

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Leading Curriculum development and implementation of a cohesive and engaging Personal Learning program 7-12 (incorporating scope and sequence of yr. 9 Projects), including the explicit teaching of leadership capacities, positive psychology, wellbeing strategies, study skills and respectful relationships
  • Building staff capacity to incorporate Personal Learning skills and content across all curriculum areas 
  • Lead the roll out of individual student Portfolios gradually throughout the college, including individual goal setting and incorporating personal learner profiles (In tandem with Personalisation and Differentiation Learning Specialist)
  • To model and be knowledgeable in the Colleges Teaching and Learning framework and other College priorities within their classes. 
  • Strategically plan for the Glenroy Teaching model and the artefacts and practice that supports this to be implemented across the curriculum. 
  • To review, monitor and embed the consistent implementation of the instructional model. 
  • Know the current state of the cohort teams and the artefacts that support these. 
  • Know the current state of curriculum including auditing and planning the next steps around these. 
  • Work with year cohort teams to ensure that the planning cycle is grounded in student evidence and relevant data is tracked. 
  • Ensure timely feedback and support is given to planning teams to develop capacity to build a GVC. 
  • Complete administrative requirements associated with Teaching and Learning initiatives such as leading the budget process and academic awards. 
  • Other duties as required by the Principal

Committee Membership:

  • Curriculum
  • Leadership
  • CIT

Leading Teacher: English and EAL Domain

Role: The English and EAL Domain leader will demonstrate:

  • strong capacity to monitor and assess student learning data at the individual and cohort level, and to use this data to inform teaching for improved student learning. 
  • high level written and verbal communication skills, and high-level interpersonal skills including a capacity to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with parents, other employees and the broader school community to focus on student learning. 
  • a commitment and capacity to actively contribute to, and lead Domain improvement initiatives, manage curriculum activities and a commitment to ongoing professional learning for self and others to enable further development of skills, expertise and teaching capacity.
Andrea Santi
Andrea Santi

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Fostering a sense of English Domain identity and profile with students through celebration of achievements and promotion of key events such as English focus week?
  • Overseeing the development, implementation, evaluation, and electronic documentation of Curriculum in years 7 to 12 in the English and EAL Domains
  • Supporting Domain members in a staged introduction and implementation of the Victorian Curriculum and VCE Curriculum to improve student results.
  • In conjunction with Assistant Principal Curriculum, LTs and other Domain leaders, assist in the implementation of the College’s AIP Strategic Plan in relation to curriculum delivery and improved student learning outcomes, including NAPLAN and VCE mean study scores.
  • In conjunction with the LT Curriculum, and LT Instructional Capacity/ PD, work with Domain staff in relation to improved and effective ICT applications to support and develop higher order thinking strategies, and to implement consistent approaches to the Glenroy College instructional model.
  • Ensuring that the English and EAL Domain has consistent documentation and processes in relation to assessment and reporting in line with College policies
  • Leading and managing the Domain budget, booklists and other resources
  • Being an active member of the Curriculum Implementation Team (CIT).
  • Attendance at CIT
  • Bringing CIT items back to Domain for discussion and then emailing feedback back to JAM
  • Running Domain meetings – structure & roles (meetings, time keeping, agenda/minutes etc)
  • Booklists – coordinating discussions re new texts, investigating prices with various publishers and amending Booklist entries for Campion
  • Reports – checking Report Templates (Semester 1 & Semester 2), with subject descriptions, Victorian Curriculum Standards etc
  • Course Counselling Handbooks – checking templates for Year 10 & VCE templates
  • Celebration Day – English? 
  • Open Night – Term 3
  • Development and storage of Domain documentation 7-12 for English and EAL 
  • Budget – Curriculum Time Release
  • Checking & pushing out Learning Tasks on Compass – 7-10 (VCE optional)
  • Assigning PLT leaders and checking in with them regarding curriculum development, assessment, rubrics – emphasis on collaboration
  • Key focus for Domain – incorporating some PD time in the meetings e.g. literacy focus, instructional words etc.
  • Backward mapping – what do students need to succeed in VCE – what skills can we start building in Year 7?
  • Mentoring Pre-service teachers
  • Support initiatives led by Teaching & Learning Team
  • Collaborate with Domain staff and other college members for Year 7 Orientation week
  • Collaborate with ES staff across 7 –12 in providing support to students and teachers
  • Other duties as required by the Principal

Committee Membership:

  • Curriculum
  • Leadership
  • CIT