Learning Specialists  @ Glenroy

Learning Specialists are highly skilled classroom practitioners whose role involves building practice excellence across the school through the teaching of demonstration lessons, observing and providing feedback to colleagues and designing and facilitating school-based professional learning with an underpinning constant focus on the improvement of student learning outcomes. All Learning Specialists at Glenroy College share responsibility for building teacher capacity through coaching and mentoring, and facilitation of school-based professional learning, with a focus on building excellence in teaching and learning practice, PBS and curriculum building, design and implementation.

Learning Specialist – 3L literacy

Role: The 3L Leader will lead and implement the learning and development of literacy strategies, from the 3L course, to be used in classes across the school. 


Michelle Stephenson
Michelle Stephenson

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Modelling exemplary teaching and learning practice and working with the leadership team to develop a shared view of highly effective teacher practice 
  • Pedagogical leadership across all aspects of the college including planning teams, domain meetings, professional learning, coaching and mentoring
  • Design and facilitation of professional learning at small group, domain-based and whole-school level 
  • Modelling exemplary use of student data to inform evidence-based program and curriculum teaching practices
  • Leading and modelling the implementation of whole-school improvement strategies related to curriculum planning and delivery
  • Provide advice and support to teams developing resources for specific cohorts and purposes (e.g. PL classes)
  • Modelling agreed school-wide practices 
  • Leading the implementation of the 3L course for all new teaching staff
  • Support the delivery of literacy professional learning, using 3L strategies, across the school
  • Providing ongoing mentoring and coaching of teacher literacy practice throughout the college
  • Other duties as required by the Principal 

Committee Membership:

  • Leadership
  • Curriculum
  • CIT
  • Learning Specialists

Learning Specialist – Differentiation and Personalised Learning 

Role: The Learning Specialist- Differentiation and Personalised Learning will coach and assist teaching and support teams to provide a coordinated approach to the provision of differentiated learning and additional supports for students over the course of their high school journey. The Learning Specialist works closely with student managers, wellbeing and inclusion teams and feeder Primary and destination settings to design effective transition processes for students moving between intervention and extension programs. The Differentiation and Personalised Learning leader oversees the Tutor Learning Initiative, MYLNS, Literacy and Numeracy support teams and the Victorian High Ability Program and ensures collaboration with local networks.

Reports to Assistant Principal Curriculum


Claire Feely
Claire Feely

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Coaching of staff to build capacity in differentiation across all aspects of the school with a specific focus on personalising learning 
  • Develop, monitor, refine and share evidence-based intervention programs including TLI and MYLNS which cater to cohort specific learning styles and needs 
  • Facilitate access to VHAP and MBNEP high ability programs and provide enrichment opportunities to targeted students
  • Liaise with feeder schools and MBNEP schools around intervention and support programs
  • Build and contribute to transition processes for students requiring intervention and extension
  • Model exemplary practice in facilitating student goal setting and leading student data conferencing focused on academic and attributional growth
  • Provide support and advice to the Future Pathways program
  • Other duties as required by the Principal

Committee Membership:

  • Curriculum
  • CIT
  • Learning Specialists

Learning Specialist – Numeracy Across the Curriculum 

Role: The role of the Learning Specialist – Numeracy Across the Curriculum has a specific responsibility for developing, implementing, reviewing and refining the whole-school numeracy plan, and providing support and leadership in design of lessons and curriculum to support student numeracy growth across all learning areas. This role reflects the deeply held belief that growth across all learning areas is underpinned by improvement of student numeracy , and that this is in turn dependent on the building of a culture of consistent numeracy practice across the college.


Geraldine King
Geraldine King

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following: 

  • Demonstrating  high‐level expertise  in  teaching and  learning  practice, with  a  particular focus  on  effective teaching of numeracy skills; Oversee whole school numeracy program;
  • Build capacity of teachers to differentiate for all students
  • Leading and modelling  the implementation of whole‐school improvement, including  the use of  the  GC Instructional Model and the DET High Impact Teaching Strategies;
  • \Playing a key role in the provision of professional learning and supporting professional learning teams  within the KLA meeting structure, focusing on numeracy in the Maths KLA;
  • Modelling effective professional learning practice and supporting teachers to seek, analyse and act on  feedback on their practice as part of critical reflection and inquiry to improve practice as part of the  critical PLT process;
  • Playing a key role in the analysis of data to inform strategic direction through the School Improvement  Team;
  • Provide high level coaching to staff and teaching teams in relation to the effective use of high impact teaching strategies.
  • Play a lead role in implementing processes and protocols for observation and feedback of teacher practice and peer collaboration. This includes supporting teachers to seek, analyse and act on improving their practice.
  • Other duties as required by the Principal

Committee Membership:

  • Leadership
  • CIT
  • Learning Specialists

Learning Specialist – Literacy Across the Curriculum 

Role The role of the Learning Specialist – Literacy Across the Curriculum has a specific responsibility for developing, implementing, reviewing and refining the whole-school literacy plan, and providing support and leadership in design of lessons and curriculum to support student literacy growth across all learning areas. This role reflects the deeply held belief that growth across all learning areas is underpinned by improvement of student literacy, and that this is in turn dependent on the building of a culture of consistent literacy practice across the college.


Declan Dodson
Declan Dodson

Responsibilities include but are not restricted to the following:  

  • Modelling exemplary teaching and learning practice and working with the leadership team to develop a shared view of highly effective teacher practice 
  • Pedagogical leadership across all aspects of the college including planning teams, domain meetings, professional learning, coaching and mentoring
  • Design and facilitation of professional learning at small group, domain-based and whole-school level 
  • Modelling exemplary use of student data to inform evidence-based program and curriculum teaching practices
  • Leading and modelling the implementation of whole-school improvement strategies related to curriculum planning and delivery
  • Provide advice and support to teams developing resources for specific cohorts and purposes (e.g. PL classes)
  • Modelling agreed school-wide practices 
  • Supporting the delivery of the 3L course
  • Leading the design and delivery of literacy professional learning across the school
  • Providing ongoing mentoring and coaching of teacher literacy practice throughout the college
  • Mentoring and coaching of pre-service, early-career and paraprofessional teachers 
  • Development, implementation, regular review and refinement of the Glenroy College Whole School Literacy Plan
  • Oversee and collaborate with English teachers to design and deliver responsive blocked approach (Y7 English model)
  • Other duties as required by the Principal

Committee Membership:

  • Leadership
  • Curriculum
  • CIT
  • Learning Specialists