What's Happening in Lower Division?
Miss Georgia Brown and Mrs Kirrily Buettel
What's Happening in Lower Division?
Miss Georgia Brown and Mrs Kirrily Buettel
English and Maths
LD will explore different aspects of literature, including narrative, context, and characters. This exploration will involve reading and studying various books, including: "Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley" by Aaron Blabey (2009), "Boy" by Phil Cummings (2022) and "Tilly" by Jane Godwin (2019).
Throughout the term, students will continue to build their knowledge and skills using technology tools such as Book Creator, Google Classroom, and computer logins. These digital tools will likely be used to support their reading, writing, and communication activities. It's an exciting time for LD to continue to grow as a readers and writers while also gaining important digital literacy skills.
LD will continue using the units provided by the Department of Education with a focus on Data Collection, Fractions ('Sharing'), Length and Mass and number strategies. In addition to the units, LD will continue to focus on their subitising, place value and number sense through daily number sense activities.
Term 4 Georgraphy will focus on People Live in Places topic which is divided into four units; Places, Important Places, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Places and Location of Places. This term LD will be focusing on Location of Places, where they will be introduced to maps and how we use them to find places. They will explore and create maps of familiar and new places.
In Term 4, LD will continue to focus on Cyber Safety and the tools we need to stay safe online. LD will develop their knowledge and understanding using the eSafety Education resources. In PE students will continue to develop their Fundamental Movements Skills and Tennis games. With Mrs Buettel they will be introduced to a few new dances.
Mrs Buettel will continue to teach Science this term. In Term 3 students enjoyed experimenting with pushing and pulling, rolling and sliding activities. Term 4 will focus on 'Living Things'- stemming from the inquiry questions 'What things do we need to stay alive?' and 'What is living thing?'
Thank you Mrs B for the time and energy you put in to making science hands on and engaging for LD.
This term LD are very lucky to have a Junior Explorer STEM Share kit in the classroom. This will introduce computational thinking and early coding concepts to LD. It allows for screenless coding and is designed for K-2 students. We can't wait to show you what we learn about Indi (robot) and how to code them.
Our main Creative Arts focus for this term will be preparing for the Lion King play. We have started learning our lines, songs and how to act as different animals. We will be using the Lion King Experience activities to support this learning.
Music will continue with Jess Miller (Suann) from NECOM in Term 4 on Thursday afternoons.
Homework Changes- some students will receive a login to an app called Wushka. Wushka is an Australian-developed, cloud-based digital reading program, accessible from all common browsers and devices. We are currently on a trial for Term 4 and would appreciate your feedback regarding the app.
Thank you again for your continued support with readers and homework. We can't wait to share our learning journeys with you at home, discussing our highlights and especially the things we have learnt.
On Monday 16th October we welcomed 5 transition students to Rocky River PS. We had a wonderful morning; writing our names, practicing our fine motor skills, listening to stories and going on a bear hunt. Thank you to LD for being welcoming, caring and respectful students to the transition students.
If you have any questions and queries, please contact the school.
Georgia Brown
Classroom Teacher