From the Principal's Desk
Congratulations Anne
It was wonderful to have the opportunity to present our School Administration Manager, Anne Miller, with a NSW Department of Education 20 Year Service Award at our last assembly. Anne is a brilliant school support staff member and does an amazing job in managing the administration side of things here at Rocky River, along with supporting our students and staff in ways you could only imagine! Congratulations again Anne on a wonderful achievement.
Weddings Galore!
Congratulations to two of our teachers, Kirrily Hahn and Jess Suann on their marriages over the last few weeks. Kirrily (now Mrs Buettel) married Artie and Jess (now Mrs Miller) married Jed. On behalf of the students and staff, we congratulate you both on such wonderful news.
Pioneer Park Art Success
Our students continue to excel in Visual Arts and once again we have achieved great results! Students were invited to put forward ideas as part of a Fibonacci sequence for the upcoming mural/artworks for the new Pioneer Park in Bridge Street, Uralla. Congratulations to Presley, Lionel, Charlotte H and Henry. Their designs have been selected to be used as part of the new construction.
Mobile Phones in Schools
The NSW government banned the use of mobile phones in high schools from the start of this term, aligning with primary schools who have been under this policy for some time now. Thank you to all families for ensuring students do not bring mobile phones to school. The policy includes smart watches, where they must not ring or be used at any time to make calls at school. We totally understand that there are times when children may need a phone before and after school. If this is the case, we ask that thy bring their device to the office for safe keeping and come and collect it at the end of the day. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at school. Thanks for your continued support.
Professional Learning Workshops at Rocky River
You may have noticed a large number of cars and visitors to our school last Thursday. Our school is currently hosting English and Maths syllabus professional learning for teachers from around the area. Miss Miller and myself are also involved in the workshops. The next (and final) workshop will be held tomorrow.
Lions Club Education Grant - Year 6 Students
This week, I provided all students in Year 6 with information on how to apply for a $300 education grant for students in Year 6 from the Uralla Lions Club. Some of our students have had much success in applying for this over recent years. I encourage all students to take up this opportunity. Please find a copy of the information attached:
Year 6 Fundraiser at ICT Day
Thank you to all families who provided items for our students to sell at last term's ICT day with students from Drummond, Kelly's Plains and Kingstown. The cake/slice stall made $138.00. Thanks also to Jen and Chris Philp for providing the P&C BBQ on the day.
Upgrades to Lower Division Classroom
New carpet was installed in the Lower Division classroom over the holidays. This is much improved from what we had before. The classroom will also be painted inside and outside over the coming weeks.
Year 7 Selective Class for 2025
This week, students in Year 5 were provided with information about applying for a Year 7 selective class for 2025. If you have any questions regarding this information, please reach out to me at school. Here is another copy of the information:
Book Fair This Week
Please come and support our Buy-One Get One-Free Book Fair if you can this week in the bottom classroom. All profits raised from the sale of books come back into the school library. You can select a book to equal or lesser value for yourself or donate to our school library. We can accept Eftpos payments for any purchases.
Thunderbolt Festival
I would like to invite all students and staff to join the school in the Thunderbolt’s Festival Parade on Saturday 28 October. The parade starts at 10.30am so anyone wishing to walk with us will need to meet us in Park Street, near the Anglican Church at 10.15am. The theme for this year is Dungeons and Dragons and we invite students to dress as one of these if they wish. This is a great way for us to promote our school to our community. I encourage as many students and staff as possible to come along and walk with us.
Sydney Excursion Update
For those students attending the Upper Division excursion to Sydney this term, please ensure your money is paid in full ASAP. We need to have all money paid to the school to cover our costs for the excursion. Thank you for your help.
Students in Upper Division took home detailed information today about our planned excursion. Please read through this information thoroughly and return the required notes as soon as you can. As always, contact Anne or myself at the school if you require any further information.
Kindergarten Transition Program Begins
We had five very keen and excited students join us on Monday for the first day of our school transition program for students commencing Kindergarten in 2024. Our students went on a Bear Hunt to find places, people and things in our school. Thank you to Georgia Brown, Sarah Harper and Anne Miller for helping to organise our program. We look forward to welcoming our students over the next three Mondays:
Monday 23rd October - 9.00-11.00
Monday 30th October - 9.00-1.00
Monday 6th November - 9.00-3.00
NSWPPA Conference
I will be taking leave on Friday as Katie and I have a family event in Sydney. Next week, I will attend the NSW Primary Principals Association's Annual Conference, which is also in Sydney. I will return to school on Friday of next week. Leah Miller will relieve as Principal while I am away.
Every Day Matters
All schools across the state have a focus on improving attendance rates. Student attendance rates are only just starting to get back to pre-COVID levels. The attendance rates at our school can still improve.
Currently our overall attendance rate is sitting at 90% however, only 64% of students are attending school 90% of the time.
Set your child up for success at school. Good attendance is key to your child being able to fulfil their potential and make good progress in school. #EveryDayMatters
Let's do this together.
Brad Hunt