Principal's Report

Dear families,


Welcome to Term 4. It was great to see all staff and students return refreshed and ready for the action-packed term ahead. It has been great to have Juanita back after a term of Long Service Leave. It certainly sounds like she had a fantastic trip.



Swimming has been an enjoyable experience for the students this week. The focus has been on water safety.



Hot lunches will continue a Tuesday for October. Orders from The Junction Hotel will continue for the rest of the year. 



There will be no Breakfast Club until futher notice as I have commitments on a Wednesday for the next 6 weeks.



Due to the Shepparton Line Upgrade the Wren Street Crossing will be closed from Friday 13th October to Saturday the 21st of October. Detour routes will be in place via the Cummins Road level crossing for both east and westbound travel. Road users should allow an additional 5 mins for their journey.

Pedestrian access over the level crossing at Wren Street will be maintained via a temporary pedestrian crossing.



Once again, we are having our annual Book Fair. A big thank you to Filippa who organises this event each year. The Fair runs from 13th October to the 24th of October. Books can be purchased between 8.30am and 9am in the morning and 3.15-3.45 in the afternoon. Students love having the opportunity to browse through the selection of books. All proceeds from the fair go directly towards purchasing books for our take home reading program. Eftpos facilities are available. 



Wednesday 25th October is the date set for our Diversity Dash. Keep this date free, it is sure to be a fun filled day. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Regards Heather