Around the classrooms

Food Studies
Out wonderful Year 11 Food Studies students recently completed their CAT which was to design a grazing box. The grazing boxes were then sold as part of a fund raiser for the PFA Trivia night. Every student excelled and the parents enjoyed their snacks on the night. Well done all!
Ms Tess Molina
Food Technology teacher
Health and Human Development
The Year 11 Health and Human Development class was lucky to have a visit from Ms O’Hara and her daughter Emma. As part of our Unit 2 studies focussing on prenatal, infancy and childhood development, Ms Hara shared with the class about her pregnancy, her birthing experience and what life is like with an 8 month old. The class gained an insight into real life with an infant and how life needs to adjust. What a privilege it was to have them join us.
Business Management Market Day
Unit 1 & 2 Business Management Studies' Market Day raised over $800 for charity while gaining practical experience in creating a small enterprise. Market research quickly identified that sweet treats at a budget price would be winner. It only took moments for the stalls to have the sold out sign up.
Education Perfect Science Championships
8B were very passionate to compete in the Education Perfect Science Championships and came first in the school! Everybody pitched in to answer science questions, and helped us earn the points we needed to win. 8B would like to thank Ms Erwin for motivating us to win the pizza lunch, Ms Gilbert and Ms Scaramozzino for getting the yummy pizzas from La Porchetta and 8A for pushing us to our full potential. Congratulations for coming second 8A! We also want to congratulate the following students for achieving Emerald medals (the highest award possible): Brenda Ma, Ruby Carroll and Montana McKinsley.
Grace Liu (Year 8)