Student Leadership

2024 Leadership
From the current student leaders
Mentone Girls’ Secondary College strives for its students to achieve their highest potential, so they become self-directed, confident and skilled as they take their places in society. The College aims to be an exemplary provider of leadership opportunities for all students, ensuring that they become well-balanced and resilient young adults capable of sustaining strong and supportive relationships in a changing world, and contribute to society’s general well-being.
The College Community seeks to engage all students through our agreed values of empowerment, achievement, inclusivity and creativity. The student leadership program reflects the need for all students to develop leadership skills and have opportunities to put these into practice. The development of student voice and agency whereby students and teachers create partnerships in the development of teaching and learning programs is one of the key goals of the College strategic plan. Student leadership is a platform for change providing opportunities for students to actively participating in visibly leading our school community, empowering our students to be part of the conversation and ensure that life at MGSC remains relevant to all.
The SRC will lead regular student-led forums with voluntary representation from all classes, twice each term providing students with an authentic opportunity to discuss the things that matter to them and be heard and have these concerns and ideas addressed. Applications, interviews and where required, elections will take place during Term 4 of the preceding year. Training opportunities will be held during the Headstart program for all leaders. Where possible, all interview panels for leadership roles will include student representation from current student leaders.
See below for more information on leadership structure.
College Captain SRC President
Senior Captains
YEAR 11 Leadership role 2023
Applications for the senior positions will close on October 6. Applications for current Year 7-9 student will be announced early in Term 4. Any enquiries to Ms Harvey
Global Connect Youth Movement
Earlier this term myself and a whole bunch of other senior students from Years 10-12 participated in a global youth forum. During this time we heard from students across Melbourne, more rural areas of Australia as well as students from India and Malaysia. Their perspectives were valuable to our understanding of the world. This conference allowed us to identify some of the issues that were important to us globally and think of many ideas and ways to implement change in our community. As a group we also collectively discovered that we had some great thinking about how we could improve the opportunities for all students to create real change and from this, the ‘platform for change’ concept was created. The rebranding of student leadership opportunities at our school encourages students to feel heard and empowers them with a more direct course of action. I would recommend this forum to anyone in leadership next year.
Caitlin Hughes
Year 11 SRC Leader
Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership