Acting Principal's Message

Dear MGSC School Community
As term three comes to an end and there doesn’t seem to be any good news in the media, I would like to draw your attention to the many good news stories occurring at MGSC. A quick scroll through the MGSC Facebook, Instagram and Newsletter pages will be testament to this. I dedicate this report to acknowledging and celebrating our values.
Our College Captains and Year 12 leaders are tireless in leading the student body in a variety of portfolio areas. Candi and Georgie have been committed and proactive leaders especially with their work empowering the younger student leaders. Every Year 12 leader has been noticeably visible, committed, and proactive in their roles this year.
Through a focus on Teaching and Learning initiatives, staff have met in purposeful teams much more often this year. This approach empowers teachers to lead rather than be led in reviewing, collaborating, and updating curriculum delivery. Data literacy has improved significantly and has empowered teachers to focus on improving student learning growth. Those with a direct connection with Student Engagement and Wellbeing have met together as a group rather than work in isolation. Each of the Annual Implementation Planning teams work and through this there is empowerment which fosters real change and is informed by student and staff feedback. The Strategic Plan has become a living document with real gains being made in the first year of the four-year implementation.
There was a distinct buzz amongst staff following the implementation of staff planning meetings in the last week. Teacher teams have been empowered to commence development of long-term strategies in a range of priority areas including curriculum review, emerging technologies, school events, data use, student-led initiatives, literacy, numeracy, enhancement, and peer observation. Empowering teachers acknowledges we are all leaders.
The final week of term was action-packed with events that promote an inclusive environment for MGSC students. I thank Justine Bower, Health, Wellbeing & Respectful Relationships Learning Specialist and Health & Physical Education Domain Leader for her enthusiastic organisation of the annual Body Kind Week. Along with the Health and PE team members and involvement of other enthusiastic staff, the week featured mindfulness and brain break activities, a Respect cup event, staff versus student Relay race on the school picnic day, the whole school Colour run, Gratitude activities and a fund raising event with the SRC for the Butterfly Foundation.
I would also like to acknowledge Kayla Petta, Year 12 Student Voice and Advocacy for requesting to present her speech at the College assembly on her chosen topic, Inclusivity. This was a significant and powerful occasion for our community and is a testament to the power of the student leadership program at MGSC.
Our Disability Inclusion team, tutor learning initiative and Support group meeting program all ensure an inclusive environment for ALL MGSC students.
This week’s College assembly included a Captains’ speech about Creativity. The considered words celebrating this school value were matched by the actions of the Performing Arts Domain with many events featured since the last newsletter: students performed at the SEVR Intermediate Bandfest, at the Mentone RSL, the Music Soiree, and the Year 12 Theatre Studies Monologues evening. The Visual Arts Domain are busily preparing for the MGSC Arts Show in term 4 so please look for the newsfeed update about this event.
An unsung hero of creativity at MGSC is our Communications Officer, Jane Garrow. Her social media posts, development of school publications and presence to document every school event are known, however she has also instigated and created the MGSC Community Noticeboard e-publication. Want to know about work opportunities, courses & workshops, Kingston Youth and other holiday programs, sports and clubs and public transport updates? This is the place to look.
As our Year 12 students complete the last of their school assessments in “sac attack” term and venture into the intense exam preparation phase of their final year, I turn my attention to another of our values. MGSC supports every student to achieve their best and work towards achieving their goals for the future. I thank Sylvia Christopoulos, Director of Senior school for implementing the Practice Exam program in the second week of the school holidays for our Year 12 students. This, along with Hayley Dureau’s exam booklet initiative ensures students are support and can access resources to use in their preparation for the VCAA exams.
Teachers and Education Support staff travel the journey with students and parents in the achievement journey at MGSC. This commences before students arrive in year 7 until the end of year 12. Students will always remember the people who supported their education, whether it be in the classroom, help outside of class, a smile, an offer of help, or wellbeing support.
Wait, there’s more
In the last fortnight we have had College Council (made up on staff, students, parents and community coopted members); Morrisby (Careers), Student careers Interviews and planning meetings and VTAC& SEAS applications; the Parents and Friends (PFA) Trivia evening; Outdoor Education excursions; School Improvement Team meeting, College Consultative Committee (2024 planning is underway); the Year 11 Business Management Market Day; Year 7-10 Public Speaking Competition; library events, our wellbeing team have acknowledged and celebrated Wear it Purple Day and RuOK day with Kingston Council involvement. This is all in addition to the implementation of the curriculum program. I know staff will continue to work into the evening during the term, over every weekend and into the school holidays. I thank everyone who contributes to the program at MGSC and wish all a safe, relaxing, sunshine-filled school holiday.
I challenge all community members to promote the good news story that is MGSC. Join with our staff and students in partnership in celebrating why this school is your choice, why we stand out compared to other schools and why we are, indeed, a school for every girl from everywhere.
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal – Student Engagement and Wellbeing