Music & Performance

On the Thursday 7 September, the Junior and Senior Guitar Ensembles, Big Band, Madgrial and a student-led ensemble performed at Mentone RSL for one of our last performances of the year. Families and friends were invited to come enjoy dinner while the performances were underway, and it was incredible to see so much support for all our music students.
We began the night with both Guitar ensembles, with the juniors starting the night off with a bang, followed by an amazing performance by the Senior ensemble. Big Band jazzed up the night with some crowd favourites, and the night concluded with a fantastic performance by one of our student led bands. Overall, the night was a great success and an extremely fun way to finish off performances for the year.
As always, a big thank you to all the teachers, friends and families who helped make this night possible, especially Ms Cook and Mr Veevers for organising the event and giving us the opportunities to showcase our music.
Maddy Fenton
Last Tuesday, members from the Year 8 band form attended the Intermediate bandfest at Mac Rob. We attended to partake and learn many band songs with a multitude of different band students in Melbourne, ranging from Year 7s to Year 12s. Some of the songs we learnt were: ‘Invincible’, ‘This is Berk’ from How To Train Your Dragon and Celtic Air and March! The workshop was run by conductor, Joe O’Callaghan (who just happens to be an ex parent of MGSC). Despite the chilly weather, it was a great day of fun-filled music playing, Mac Rob even graciously had a cake stall up and running for the event which was really good. The bandfest was a great opportunity to learn to play with a large and different group of people.
Lois Crawford