Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop - Summer Sports Notice 

With the upcoming Summer sports season due to commence, it is time to purchase your 

Co-curricular uniform. Requirements are listed in the table below.


Please also see the attached photos of the College Baseball, Basketball and Cricket sport uniforms.

College ItemCostSeasonStatus
Singlet$45.00All YearCompulsory
Black College crested sports shorts$40.00All YearCompulsory
White SPC sports socks$12.00All YearCompulsory

Basketball singlet (provided by Sports 

Department for hire)

Basketball shorts$50.00SummerCompulsory
White SPC sports socks$12.00SummerCompulsory
White SPC short sleeve polo top$50.00SummerCompulsory
White SPC long sleeve polo top$50.00SummerCompulsory
Long white pants$27 - $40SummerCompulsory
Black sports cap OR$15.00SummerCompulsory
Wide brim cricket hat$23.00SummerCompulsory
Knitted SPC cricket vest *$90.00SummerOptional
White SPC sports socks$12.00Summer Compulsory
SOFTBALL – Junior School   
White SPC short sleeve polo top$50.00SummerCompulsory
Black College crested sports shorts            $40.00SummerCompulsory
White long socks$12.00SummerCompulsory
BASEBALL – Senior School   
Black baseball pants$72.00SummerCompulsory
White baseball jersey$70.00SummerCompulsory
Black elastic belt$23.00SummerCompulsory
White SPC sports socks **$12.00SummerCompulsory
Black SPC baseball cap$30.00SummerCompulsory

* What are the benefits of wearing a cricket vest? A cricket vest is recommended to keep your core warm when temperatures are cool. A great investment in your cricketing journey at St Patrick’s College.


**  Senior School Baseball uniform can include the SPC Sports Socks


Loretta Mynett

Uniform Shop Manager

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