Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Tuesday was a whirlwind of sports uniforms, equipment and walking back and forth as the Junior School had their sports photos taken. For some boys, they would have come home with sore cheeks from all the smiling on the day. Congratulations to the boys for their preparedness and prompt attendance for their photos. It helped make the day run smoothly. Also, a huge thank you to all the Junior School staff for their flexibility and help in organising the boys. We should have some great photos to share later in the year.
As the seasons change and we start to experience warmer weather, it is important for all boys to be prepared. It is once again of high importance to remember black caps for recesses and lunches, as well as training and PE lessons. Sunscreen is also of high importance and should be applied at regular intervals throughout the day if spending time in the sun. Finally, all boys should have a drink bottle with them, full of water. The aim should be to drink around two bottles worth of water over the course of the school day. Of course, this depends on the size of the water bottle carried.
Some advanced warning for Term 4 sport lessons. Boys will be involved in swimming from week one of the new term in their practical PE lessons. Boys will need to wear their College swimmers under their uniform to school. Boys will change as usual into PE uniform and walk to the pool with their towel and goggles. Please be aware that socks and runners must be worn, no thongs or slides please. At the conclusion of the lesson, boys will be escorted to the change rooms in Powell Pavilion to get changed. It is important for boys to bring underwear to change into after swimming as it is not healthy for the boys to spend the rest of the day in wet swimmers.
Next Tuesday, two boys from the Junior School will head off to Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre to represent IPSHA at the NSWCIS Athletics Carnival. We wish Xavier Khoury (100m) and Zachary Muncaster (12s Discus) all the best for their events next week. I know the Junior School community will join me in supporting our athletes.
With one week to go in the school term, it is important to stay focused and attentive to all our schooling endeavors. The time of rest will soon be upon us, so until then, let us keep playing hard until the Term 3 whistle blows for three-quarter time.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular