Faith, Justice and Formation

Year 9 Justice and Reflection Day
Last Friday students from Year 9 embarked on their Justice and Reflection Day for 2023, as part of the College’s Formation Vision. The day was led by Mr Bottalico with assistance from Year 9 homeroom teachers, the Year 9 Coordinator, Mr Rowlings and Mr Leslie. It is important for us all to take a step away from a usual routine to spend time we each other and to reflect on our relationship with God and with our world. The theme for the day was “Action for a better world”. We took time to consider the gift of God’s creation to us and the responsibility that God has also given us over the earth. That responsibility includes caring for the earth, being aware of the impact of our decisions on our environment and how we can more proactively help to contribute to a better balance with the earth.
The boys considered their own decisions around consumption and waste, the impact of this on the environment, and how we can all make choices that show greater regard for our footprint on the created world. All of this was connected to learning about some of what Pope Francis has said about our relationship with God’s creation in his encyclical, Laudato Si’.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity