
R U OK? Day: Thursday 14 September 2023
R U OK? is a public health promotion charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives.
The day focuses on building the motivation, confidence, and skills of the help-giver – the person who can have a meaningful conversation with someone who is struggling with life.
R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships and building the capacity of informal support networks – friends, family and colleagues - to be alert to those around them, have a conversation if they identify signs of distress or difficulty and connect someone to appropriate support, long before they're in crisis.
This week, we raised the consciousness of students about how they can look out for people in need.
To help the boys decide if they’re ready to start a meaningful subject with someone, we urge them to ask themselves:
Parents and Friends Trivia Night
A wonderful night was had by all last Friday night for our annual Trivia Night. We raised over $20,000, which will be put to good use on facilities for our students. I want to take the opportunity to thank Elena Ierardo and her P&F Executive Team, and Nerida Shipley and Dion Fague for all the energy that went into having wonderful prizes on the night for the raffles, silent and live auctions. We should be enormously proud of our strong, faith community that is SPC.
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!*
*except divide by zero