Specialist Team News

with JoJo, Faye, Paddy, Kate & Madame CriCri

Performing Arts

The Curriculum Focus in Performing Arts



Students are learning about the ukulele, how to hold and play them. They have started playing the Am and C chord with a downward strumming pattern.

Grade 1/2 

Students have been trying out some popular songs using body percussion to start the lesson. They have been reviewing how to play the ukulele and play Am, F and C chord. They have tried different strumming patterns as well as playing some simple melodies using one string and note at a time.

Grade 3 & 4 

Students have been trying out some popular songs using body percussion to start the lesson. They have worked on remembering the correct finger positions for 3 chords, how to change quickly and play a range of strumming patterns.

Grade 5 & 6 

Students have been trying out some popular songs using body percussion and chair drumming. They have played along to a number of popular songs using chords on both the ukulele and marimba. 

Music Clubs - Dates to Note

*Sunday Nov 12 – Choir at Williamstown Botanical Gardens 

Arrive by 10.45am. Performance at 11.00 - 11.30am (*Please note change of date)

Sunday 26th Nov – Seaside Fair 

Choir – Arrive by 10.15.                  Performance at 10.30 – 10.50

Marimba – Arrive by 1.45pm.       Performance at 2.00 – 2.20pm

Rock Band – Arrive by 2.15pm.    Performance at 2.30 – 2.50pm

Friday 8th Dec – Choir to perform at Williamstown Community Christmas event (After school time yet to be advised)

Wednesday 13th Dec – Afternoon Bands Performance at 3.30pm.



Warm Regards,

Faye Ferry (Performing Arts)

Visual Arts

Wominjenka, and greetings from the Art Room. 


I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and managed to squeeze in a little art time. I was lucky enough to go to the Lume and experience Connection. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend you do.


Already we have lots happening in the Art Room with lots going on. 


The Preps have created backgrounds of underwater settings and have been experimenting with different ways to make fish. To do this they paint their hands and use their handprints to create a fish(like) shape. Later they will add colourful lines and detail to make them more interesting.

Last week, the Grade One and Two used masking tape to create designs on hessian sheets. Once they finished this part of the process, they rolled paint all over the hessian and left them to dry. This week they got to pull the tape off to reveal the imprint left. I didn’t realise how exciting this would be. The Oohs and Aahs were just delightful to listen to, along with the shouts of, this is so satisfying! The best comment was when someone said it’s like ripping a bandaid off.



Bunting is what we need to decorate the stage area at the Seaside Fair, so the Grade Threes & Fours have set to work on this project. With all that Willy has to offer, they have lots to draw upon for inspiration.




Foil embossing is what the Grade Fives & Sixes are working on at the moment. The started with designs and little sheets to practise on and now they are working on a bigger final piece. 



You probably already know this, but I’ll let you know anyway, all the Crazy Camel has now been uploaded and is ready to be ordered. So, if you are interested head over to Compass and get your orders in.






Stay happy and keep creating art!


Jo Jo (Visual Art)

Physical Education

Fortnightly Curriculum Focus in Physical Education – Term 4 Week 2

Prep:  Demonstrating appropriate use of equipment and following instructions for personal safety and fair play.

Year 1 & 2: Performing the fundamental movement skill of kicking and catching and applying them in minor games.

Year 3 & 4: Contributing to fair decision-making in physical activities by applying the rules appropriately through collaboration games.

Year 5/6: Demonstrating an understanding of how to adjust the force and speed of an object to improve accuracy and control through participation in badminton.



Over the first two weeks of term, Willy Primary had four sport teams, who won the summer sport District competition and then went off to compete in the Hobsons Bay Division finals. Well done to the Boys/Mixed Softball team, Boys/Mixed Basketball team, our 

Boys/Mixed Hot Shots team and also our Girls Cricket team for all making the Division finals. There were some great performances all round, and we further congratulate the softball, hot shots and cricket team who also won the division and now head off to Western Metropolitan finals in a few weeks’ time! Good luck and Go Willy!


Warm Regards,

Paddy Gallivan (PE)


LOTE (French)


Le Dernier Trimestre


Term 4 started with a virtual trip to France as Madame Cricri shared her latest family adventures. From landing right alongside the unmissable Concorde at Paris Charles De Gaulle airport to riding on the 320km/hour bullet train TGV in direction of the medieval town of Besancon, located a short 15km out of her parents’ 1000-year-old ancestral tiny village… There was plenty to see and discuss aside from the exquisitely delicious looking patisseries! Students were invited to free-write their wonderings, thoughts and observations of the French culture and its history before sharing with their peers.

Week 2 saw the much-awaited announcement of ‘La Competition Des Classes 5/6’ Term 3 results with 5/6H taking the French Cup trophy (and macarons!!). BRAVO 5/6H, youpi! Every member of the class worked tooth and nail throughout last term to be a successful team in the classroom, working harmoniously together to very high standards with a level of participation that never failed to impress. A special mention too to 5/6C, runner up by a mere .3 decimal. The work ethics, diligence and good humour both teams have showed last term have been nothing short of outstanding and a great example to rest of the Year 5/6 cohort.

In the next fortnight:

Preps will continue their comparative discussion about the opposite locations of France and Australia on planet Earth and their direct implications on time and season differences. Year 3s & 4s will take a thorough dive into cognitive French Maths, up to 40 and 50 respectively, since being away from the French room for a full term.

Year 5/6s will finalise their ‘Francophonie’ inquiry research work to present to Madame Cricri and will put their French Maths number building strategies to good use with extensive mathematical equations to solve and translate into French.

NOTE: Year 1s and 2s do not have French classes this term.