From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,

The weeks just seem to be flying by, as we see the end of week 2. In what has been a positive start the term with students hitting the ground running. Term 4 sees many events and celebrations which is always a juggle while still delivering a strong learning environment. In the later part of the term students will start to work towards transitions which is exciting for many but can also be daunting for others. The school looks to ensure that all students are well supported through this time and if you have any concerns for your child, please contact your child’s teacher or myself.


I would also like to remind families that due to the complexities of class placements we are unable to take either teacher or peer requests. Along with the extensive knowledge our staff have of their students, an opportunity is also provided for each Willy Kid to nominate 5 positive learning buddies. The school looks to ensure pairing students with one of these buddies and undertakes a rigorous process in placing students to support success.


Events in the Middle East

Please keep an eye out for correspondence from the school and Department around the events in the Middle East. Events such as this can impact students and families in a variety of ways and please reach out for support if you have any concerns.


Planning 2024

Planning for next year is well under way, and we are close to finalising our school structure for 2024, which we will communicate to the community in the coming weeks. What we can confirm is that in 2024 the school will be appointing a range of new positions. The first will be the appointment of a mental health and wellbeing leader. This position will help support the implementation of a range of student mental health and wellbeing programs across the school, supporting students, staff, and their families. To further strengthen the school’s wellbeing team, we will appoint a mental health practitioner, such as a councillor, to support the mental health and wellbeing of all our Willy Kids. These appointments are a demonstration of the strong financial investment by the state government into student mental health and wellbeing and are a result of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.


The end of the year often brings change and families are presented with a range of living and working opportunities that may take them away from Williamstown indefinitely or for short periods of time. In preparation for 2024 we are asking that if you know that your family is on the move for 2024, that you contact the school and let us know. This information is essential in ensuring we can plan effectively for next year.


Seaside Fair

We are rapidly counting down the days to the Seaside Fair, and the excitement is building. Lance and his team have put in a huge amount of work. There will be no shortage of activities for families to undertake, with the food team being well prepared for a big day. 

One of the fair teams that I would like to acknowledge is the sponsorship team. Sponsorship is more than donations; it’s about making connections with the community and building partnerships. The work that this team has done to date is nothing short of extraordinary. Without sponsorship, an event like this would struggle to get off the ground, so we say a big thank you.



Term 4 sees two cohort of students heavily involved in school transition. At one end our 2024 preps will commence their preparation to start primary school, while our grade 6 students prepare for graduation and transition to high school. Change can be daunting but is a very exciting time as we support our Willy kids to grow and develop into the people they will become.


Reminder - 150 Years of Williamstown Primary, Coffee Table Book

Please ensure you get your orders in for the school’s 150 Years of Williamstown Primary School coffee table book. This hard cover commemorative book will only have one print run, making it a once in a lifetime purchase opportunity.

Books can be ordered via Compasstix in the link below and will be available approx. 2-3 weeks after orders close.

Orders close Friday 20th October

Purchase link:


We are looking forward to our first assembly for the term tomorrow at 2:45pm in the school hall.



Warm regards,


Mathew Montebello
