Student News  

PLC3 Restaurant Open

The time has come to open PLC3’s Amazing Awesome Good Red Echidna Funny Fancy Restaurant. 


Chefs Anna, Raf, Archie, Gabe, Emma and Jade have been working hard this semester to trial, prepare and taste different dishes including making pancakes, jelly, soup, milkshakes, lemon sorbet and cookies. 


We have been busy writing shopping lists, recipes, menus and making invitations. We have each chosen a special friend to invite to our fancy restaurant.


Our special guests include a Dinosaur, Disco Monkey, Bear, two Donkeys, a Fish, and a Dog as well as our amazing therapists and ES, Louisa, Liss, Jenny and Laura who have been helping us throughout our cooking sessions. 


Our restaurant is opening on Wednesday the 6th of December, and we are so excited to see how our special guests enjoy our menus and dishes.



We have had lots of fun this semester exploring different ingredients, tasting new foods, and using adaptive equipment and switches. 


We can’t wait to share our recipes with our families and doing some cooking at home.