Principal Report


As we approach our final two weeks of the 2023 school year and begin preparing for school holidays, I can’t believe how quickly this term is disappearing! It has been a very busy term with lots of lovely special events on the calendar including our recent Year 12 Graduation celebration and our Primary Graduation afternoon tea. The senior graduation was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our four graduates; Jed, Hannah, Massimo and Elliot and wish them all the best for their next phase in their lives. It is always wonderful to hear from the students about their highlights from their time at Belmore. A big thank you to the graduation committee led by Anne and Stefen for organising this beautiful celebration. 

Last Friday afternoon we hosted a special afternoon tea that also highlighted the achievements of our primary learning centre graduates: Natalie, Maryam, Seb and Saad. It was so special to see the students sharing their favourite photos of their time in the primary school with their families and friends. Another big thank you to Patrick and Cate for making this such a special event for the students. 


Jess Wilson MP - Christmas Colouring Competition Celebration

Last Friday afternoon I had the privilege of supporting our school winner Michael and runner up Rafael as they received their prizes and afternoon tea celebration at Jess Wilson’s office, for their Christmas colouring competition entries. It was great to see the excitement and pride from all of the students and families present, as they were each presented their certificates and prizes.  Congratulations to Michael and Rafael, well done!


End of Year

Before the end of the year you will receive a copy of your child’s semester 2 report, 2023 Yearbook and 2024 class lists. Please let us know, perhaps in the communication diary, if you would like any particular items or equipment sent home for school holidays. 

I would like to wish you all a safe, fun and festive holiday break and I look forward to seeing in the new school year in 2024. Thank you for all of your support this year.



Amanda White
