Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth 


As we approach the end of the school year it is time to acknowledge and thank those of you who are continuous supporters of the College.  The Nazareth College Community Association (NCCA) is made of several parent volunteers that run and support activities throughout the school year. It is a wonderful way for parents to contribute to enhance the education of their children.  If you are interested in joining please email  I thank Pauline Coupelis (President), Luca Rabak (Vice President), Astrid Smith (Secretary) and Sue Hatley-Smith (Treasurer) together with all committee members for their assistance throughout the year.


A special mention to Astrid Smith who runs the secondhand uniform shop throughout the year.  Her efforts supporting numerous families and ensuring that we sustain and make use of perfectly well-maintained recycled uniforms.


The College finances are overseen by the College Finance Committee.  This small group of parents, together with our Business Manager and his finance team ensure that the College remains viable and that fees and debtors are well managed.  I thank parents that prioritise their school fees and ensure that they are paid.  This helps the school maintain the operating costs. We are extremely proud to announce that again there will be no fee increase for next year.  We know the difficulty that the cost of living is currently imposing on families so we hope that by maintaining our fees families will benefit.  I thank Lee Perry, Glenn Williams, Jerome Ngoma and Li Phin Chong for their efforts on the committee.


The Nazareth College Advisory Committee is also a group of parents that advise the Principal on a number of matters.  This group also has our four (4) College Captains as members of the committee.  Their contribution gives us a student perspective and assists in addressing some important initiatives that they bring to the meetings.  Thank you to the following members Justin Duckett, Lee Perry, Glenn Williams, Caroline Murray, Suzanne Tissera, Sid Samuel, Sue Hatley-Smith, Agnese Alifano and Angie Palmer.


Schools cannot run efficiently without the support of many groups.  Our Auxiliary staff, Administration and Maintenance staff are the backbone of the College.  Without their support so many functions would not be able to run in the manner that they do.


Our 2023 student leaders have all played a part in maintaining house spirit and ensuring that the student voice is heard.  I thank each of them, in particular our Captains, Alessia Alifano (College Captain), Michael Nicolaou (College Captain), Gabrielle Brusco (Vice Captain) and Sophie Xerri (Vice Captain).  These four students have been outstanding leaders whom have involved each of the other leaders in ensuring that that the 2023 school year has been successful.


I thank the parents who are always there dropping off their children at the School of Excellence each morning.  I thank the parents that have dedicated so much time in being available to pick up their children throughout the rehearsals of the School Production.


Schools are hubs that allow interaction, collaboration and a place where our Community gathers and supports young learners.  Literature clearly states that when parents are involved and work in partnership then their children will get better results.  I encourage all families to continue to engage and be very much part of the Nazareth Community.


Holy Family of Nazareth be our inspiration and guide

Jesus of Nazareth help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.


I am delighted to announce the following opportunities presented to students at the College:

  • Congratulations to Yianni Bakaimis (Year 7 MX6) - after a successful trial at the West Ham United Foundation National Camp in Queensland earlier this year, Yianni was selected and invited to visit and join the West Ham Development Tour in the UK taking place at the end of November.  This is an incredible opportunity for Yianni, and we trust he will gain so much from this great soccer experience. 
  • Congratulations to Olina Karatzias (Year 9 KN4) who has been selected as an athlete as part of the Gymnastics Australia WAG Junior Team to represent Australia at the 2023 Coms-la-Ville International Tournoi and the Olympics Hopes Cup.  Olina and her family are currently travelling to France and the Czech Republic for this event.

We wish both students and their families all the best as they enjoy these wonderful experiences.


Keep safe, and God bless.



Mr Sam Cosentino
