
Term 4 - Justice In Action! Christmas Giving
FIRE Carriers Christmas Market Stall at St Margaret Mary’s School Brunswick North
Both the FIRE Carriers and Daniel Ryan, Principal of St Margaret Mary’s School (STMM), would like to thank the Academy community members who attended the Christmas Market. Your patronage and generosity are greatly appreciated.
This is one of many Connecting Communities activities that the Justice/FIRE Carriers group is involved in, where Academy students are able to connect with local Catholic primary schools and build relationships. The students who ran the stall had a great time, both preparing for and hosting the stall. They especially loved mixing with the students from STMM. The FIRE Carriers would also like to thank all the students and staff that crafted and donated items to be sold at the stall, without their generosity the stall would not have been possible.
The FIRE Carriers raised $758.80 for the Opening the Doors Foundation to directly support the education costs for a First Nations Student. This is our commitment as a FIRE Carrier School.
For more information
St Mary’s House of Welcome Christmas Hamper donations
Again, the Justice Group would like to thank the Academy community for contributing to the festive Christmas hampers that our neighbors, St Mary’s House of Welcome create for people in our local area. We were able to send over 8 large hampers of food to support this wonderful cause and make others smile this Christmas.
The Justice Group, FIRE Carriers and the Justice Leaders would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and restorative holiday break.