From the Principal

House Lunch and a splash of colour  is  the 1st December 

International Day is the 7th December

End of Year Picnic is on the 8th December - (5.30pm - 8pm)

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School

On the Student Voice page of this newsletter we announce our House Captains and Vice Captains for 2024. You can also read about a Year 5 experiment to make a solar oven to cook some s’mores  (S’mores are an American campfire treat with a biscuit, marshmallow and melted chocolate).  Yum!


Capital Works


Just to give you a run down on where we are at with our Capital Works, the painting works throughout the school are nearing completion and the beautiful wooden ceilings in The Waterdale Rd building have been restored. Other minor works have commenced.


Site fencing around the Foundation Playground will be put up as early as next week and the plumbing and concrete works will begin shortly thereafter. We hope we have those works all completed by the end of the year. Once the holidays have started, some of the bitumen will be replaced. 


Vacation Care 


The survey sent out by School Council has indicated that a Vacation Care program would be welcomed by a significant number of families. We will now commence the process of procurement. To gain the proper licence and satisify the Department of Education takes time, so we do not envisage an operating holifday program before the Term 2 holiday in 2024.

IPS Fair Financial Result 

Accounts are being finalised but we can confidently announce this year's IPS Fair as being the most successful fundraiser in the eight years I have been Principal. 

$65,009.78 was taken with approximately $43,000 as profit. Well done everyone!

Here are random Fair photos.

A proper Fair music wrap up on the Music page of this edition of Inside Ivanhoe but below is our parent band (including IPS graduates Sam on Sax and David on drums) performing a classic ACDC tune.

IPS celebrates its International Day 7th December!

This year IPS celebrates its biannual International Day on Thursday 7th December!


We ask that families put their creative hats on and start thinking about costumes for the day. Children are encouraged to come dressed representing a country, cultural dress or flag colours. 


In the past we have had traditional costumes from various countries, cultural hats, t-shirts and colours representing a country’s flag.

During International Day students will participate in a 'multicultural all day program' which includes music and dance rotations by Bollywood Infusion, Rhythms and Instruments of West Africa and a performance in the hall along with class activities.


Please ensure you’ve processed your child’s permission notice on Compass Events.


The canteen will having a fantastic International Day options which will be available to order online on 'My School Connect'.

2024 Class Placement

We have almost finalised our teaching team for next year and we hope to be able to publish a list of teachers and support staff in the next edition of Inside Ivanhoe.


Please remember that teachers work on the very complex task of creating classes. Teachers and education support staff have input into how classes are made up, taking into consideration students telling us who they work well with in the classroom.  


That information, along with information from reports etc, ensure classes are inclusive and fair.  We have highly skilled, passionate and professional teachers who care about student learning and wellbeing.  Whilst we understand that parents know their children, we ask you to trust in our professional expertise.  We therefore cannot take requests for particular teachers, but please rest assured that we all work together so that each and every child gets the best possible placement.

Dear ICAS Families of IPS

Dear ICAS Families,


After a long delay, all the ICAS certificates have finally arrived at IPS, and thus we’re ready to celebrate student achievements by presenting them at assembly next Monday, December 4th. 


All students who participated in any of the assessments will be asked to stand up and be recognised. Students who received distinctions, high distinctions, and Principal’s Awards will be read out by name and presented their certificates by Mr Kent. 


All other certificates will be presented via classroom presentations from students’ teachers.


We thank you for your patience in anticipation of these presentations and look forward to joining you in celebrating your child’s incredible achievements.


Jeremy Tottenham (ICAS Coordinator at IPS)


We always talk about the importance of us working together in the best interest of our community. The Fair on Saturday was a wonderful example of a community event. The feeling about the place was so positive and inviting. I couldn't feel more proud of being the leader of this wonderful school.

Thank you for your support.


Mark Kent
