School News, Birthdays & Awards 

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news and celebrations. 

Wishing the following children a very happy birthday!!

Audrey M

Dylan S

Sebastian M

Lillie W

Izzy A

Tyron K

Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week.

FAWHolly Salways following our Be statements
FAWRuby Chaving confidence to perform piano for her class
FBEEden Nfocusing and using good problem solving when making a pattern chain
FBEElroy Fbeing kind and ready to learn. You are a star!
1/2AMLillie Wbouncing back and showing she was ready to learn
1/2AMMartha Mbeing a kind friend and class member
1/2BBNathan Cbeing really descriptive by adding extra detail in your Grinch booklet work. Well done!
1/2BBNahlia Rpresenting good solid arguments for why the Grinch should not steal Christmas. Well done!
1/2CCVanilla Bbeing a kind friend and focused learner
1/2CCPatrick Gbeing an excellent leader in our class
1/2CCHarvey Whis extraordinary growth in his literacy
3/4BBOliver HGreat effort for the school concer
3/4BBOscar WWorking hard on handwriting and writing a good story about a treasure
3/4BBPaul CBeing kind to all his classmates
3/4BBElizabeth Ealways following instructions and using her best manners
3/4ALJasper Ralways following our class and school rules
3/4AlJoelle Cworking hard and always presenting work beautifully
3/4AlSriyan Sbeing kind to classmates
3/4AlEdward Kworking hard in maths
3/4AlHayden Cworking hard in reading and maths
5/6AOJack Kalways being willing to give tasks a go and applying a growth mindset
5/6AOMaddie Malways being ready to learn and applying a growth mindset to her work
5/6AOHarry Falways using his manners and treating others with respect
5/6BDJane Wher positive attitude to her learning and striving to do her best
5/6BDOcean Hhis insightful contributions in Revved Up and demonstrating the 3 "Be Statements"
5/6BDCristian Bhis positive attitude in Revved Up and growth mindset in his resilience
5/6BDAurorah Cher positive attitude towards her kearning and "can do" approach to everything







Uniform Shop

All uniforms can be purchased from:-

Peninsula Uniforms & Embroidery

Unit 1/1 Titan Dr

Carrum Downs

Ph: 9775 1777

A reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school grounds. If you bring your dog to school please make sure to tie him/her up outside the gate.

St Anne's Second Hand Uniforms

**Sustainable School Uniforms**

Search facebook - St Anne's buy/sell uniforms

Did you know we have a Facebook Buy/Sell Group to access second-hand uniforms. 

We currently have a selection of items for sale and for free. 

All school parents and caregivers have access to buy and sell, just join the group.

Normal Facebook Buy/Sell rules apply, you contact the seller and arrange to meet. 

This site is Admin by a St Anne's parent not the school, so send enquiries to the site. 

St Anne's Playgroup

Last day of Playgroup for 2023 is Monday11th Dec

First day of Playgroup for 2024 is Monday 5th Feb


Playgroup runs every Monday morning in the hall from 9-11am. Please bring a piece of fruit and a $2 donation. It is a great way to meet new parents, while giving the little ones a chance to have a play. No need to book just come along.


School Lunches Online

Please use the link to register for your online orders.