Year 5 News

We have made it, with only a handful of weeks to go before we finish our time in Year 5!


The Year 5s were very fortunate to have Beaumaris Secondary College invite us for a day of lessons and fun. The students were exposed to the structure and setting of high school, and treated to a range of subjects that they can expect to find when they inevitably move onto their next chapter. With support and help from ex BNPS students guiding us around the campus. 


The activities that the kids participated in were; Science: Determining the acidity levels in liquids, Cooking: Making oven baked muffing pizzas, Coding: Using algorithms in the real world and finally Sport: Rotations of various thrilling sporting activities. It was amazing to see our tiny Year 5 students blend so seamlessly into their new environment and we were incredibly proud of how they represented BNPS. We would like to thank Beaumaris Secondary College, once more, for offering us the experience.


Take a look at some of the photos taken from the day.


Once again, it is hard to believe that our time as a year level is almost over. We have had many new and exciting experiences, challenges and learning this year. As we come to an end of Year 5, we reflect on everything we have achieved.


Please enjoy reading some recounts of the year from the students.


This year I really enjoyed the interschool sports especially the term one sports because I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried lacrosse. Lacrosse is a sport with a stick with a net on the top and a small tennis ball. My team and i have trained with the mcc (Melbourne cricket club) coaches that helped us with all our skills. Our team won all our games in the district level and have the chance to go to the state championships on the first of December. Overall interschool sports was really fun.

  • Ebony


My favourite thing this year was the beach day. When we got there everyone was excited and wondering what we were going to do. We did activities such as kayaking, looking in rock pools and my personal favourite the beach games. In the beach games we did various types of games including chocolate river, ball tiggy and flags. Flags was my favourite since I do Mentone nippers and in nippers we do flags a lot. Flags is a thing where people lie on the sand with their chins on the back of there hands and you are facing the water. There would be someone who would say Heads up, Heads down GO! Then you would get up and turn around and race to get these little sticks and whoever got them would keep going and the others would be eliminated. In my group it was me and harry left and it was a close race but I just got it. Out of all the groups the winners were Jarvis, Madi and I. The Beach Day was so much fun and everyone enjoyed it.

  • Ella G


One of my favourite things this year was the beach day. We were put in groups and then told the activities. I was happy with my group because most of my close friends were in it. We did kayaking first which was my favourite activity, rock pooling second where we found lots of crabs and beach games last which all the games we did were heaps of fun. I really liked kayaking because you got wet, people fell off kayaks, which was funny, and Kirsten and I won the kayak race! Rock pooling and beach games were also fun. In rock pooling you found lots of crabs and we even saw a stingray! The beach games involved teamwork and we did flags and some other games too. At the end of the day we were all a bit tired but we still enjoyed it heaps.

  • Ella-Rose


Our Beaumaris secondary excursion was very eventful first we communicate and relate we started it off with some ice-cream stick puzzles, then after this we learned how to make algorithms with cups. Next up we had science we learned that if you add cabbage juice to acidic fluids it turns a shade of red but non acidic fluids they turn green, we did a chart and had to order them from most acidic to least acidic and that was really fun. Then we had a quick break for food our next activity was cooking my partner was Darcy Fitzpatrick we made mini pizzas. They were so good, we made them ourselves except for the ingredients. First we got our ingredients we got ham, mushroom, onion, pineapple and capsicum, second Darcy cut up the veggies and I cut up the meat on different boards and knifes, third I put the sauce on the bread , then we loaded up the pizzas with topping , forth we cooked them and then we finally enjoyed them. Our last activity was sport first we played capture the flag we lost. Next we played chook ball we lost again to the other team. Lastly we played ultimate vortex and we lost again. Even know we lost all of our sport games I still really enjoyed going to Beaumaris secondary.

  • Isaac


My favourite thing in year 5 was state footy, I got to play in a footy team that had only 3 year 5s and the rest were year 6s. It was scary at first because we were playing with much bigger and older kids. After a couple games I felt confident and part of the team. We flew through Districts and made it through to Division and were expecting more of a challenge but there wasn't much more of a challenge. In the Division grand final we got off to a shaky start and then found our groove and smashed them. Then at regionals again we were expecting a challenge and this time there were a few challenges but we prevailed and got through to State. At state This time every game would be tricky, And our first game was for sure a wake up call. The first half was all the other team and we were behind but not by much, In the second half we stepped up and won by 1 point.  The second game was a bit easier and we won and we were up to the game to see if we made the grand final, and we won the final game and we were in the grand final. We were playing Our Lady Star Of The Sea and we ended up getting smashed. But in the end it was an amazing experience and i would definitely do it again.    

  • Xavier A


Congratulations on completing (soon) an undeniably experienced packed, at times overwhelming and busy year. We wish everyone all the best as they transition into their final year at primary school. Safe and happy holidays everyone! The Year 5 Teachers.


Bike Ed

This week the students had their Bike Ed lessons. What started out as a gloomy and wet morning, turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. Split into 5 groups, the children learnt how to do a hook turn, right turn onto a T intersection, avoid parked/cars opening doors and ride down suburban streets. Overall, a very successful Bike Ed session. Thank you, Mr Farmer, for organising and Mrs Hall for taking the day away from her lessons to help out. Enjoy photos from the day.