Year 3 News

We’re on the home stretch now! It’s been a very busy year for Year 3 students and in three short weeks they’re all yours to enjoy for the summer break! They’ve grown in so many ways and we are proud of each and every one of them.



In maths, the students have been using to learn block coding. They have been developing their understanding of direction and have also been diving into the exciting world of maps and grid references. They've been exploring how to read and create maps, even taking on the challenge of drawing a bird's eye view of our school. To add to the excitement, they’ve been using Melway online to discover interesting landmarks and facilities in our Beaumaris Community. 

This maths unit pairs beautifully with the current unit of inquiry where we look at different types of communities. Using the book Mirror by Jeannie Baker, students compared the lives of two boys on opposite sides of the world. To showcase their understanding, they crafted pen pal letters between the two characters describing their interests and daily activities, connecting their two worlds. 

The Year Three students have also been developing the skill of drawing to scale, which will come in handy this week as they plan and create scaled 3D models of urban, suburban, and rural communities. 


Year 3 Sport


Meanwhile, Year 3 sport has been a blast with a focus on invasion games. The students have been in the zone playing hoop ball in their house teams, sharpening their throwing and catching skills. What's even better is that everyone gets a chance to join in on the fun!


We look forward to the students showcasing their singing skills at tomorrow night’s carols. It’s sure to be a lovely night and we look forward to seeing you all there.


Year 3 Students Written Articles



One day I was listening to Mrs Lawrence read a book called Mirror by Jeannie Baker. We were going to write a pen pal letter with the Australian boy and the Moroccan boy.


I named my Australian boy Harry, and my Moroccan boy Aziz. 


I most enjoyed writing the Moroccan boy's letter because their life is so interesting!!! Did you know that they wake up at 4:00 in the morning? Aziz prays every morning and then he has to go to milk the cow! 


Moroccan people don't just get cereal and milk from the fridge, they make homemade stuff for every meal!!!


I loved reading the book and writing the letters and I hope to do it again.





By Avie M 3C


Maths – Mapping

When I was mapping the school, I didn't move around I just pictured the school because I have been at this school for four years. I know it pretty well! Then I started from the oval to the basketball courts and around the edges of the school. 


It was so much fun doing it with my partner Johanna. She helped me with a lot of details like the location of the taps and the library. 

It was difficult mapping the school but amazing to see how big and beautiful our school is and its plants. 




By Alice 3C



Lately, the Year Threes have been working on mapping and identifying locations. The Year Threes got to go around the school in pairs and label their maps. My partner was my best friend, Alice who helped me with labelling buildings and playgrounds. There was a lot to label but we all got through it! All the maps were unique and had different styles. I really enjoyed it!!


The Year Threes also played battle ships in pairs to help identify locations. For battleship, my partner was Sienna. It was a tight game but, in the end, I came in for the win. I found it really interesting and exciting!


Lastly, we did the tests on the computers to test our mapping brains! The questions were fun, and I hope to do it again.




By Johanna A 3C