Year 2 News 

That’s a wrap 

It’s hard to believe it is week 9 already. The end of the year is fast approaching, and the Year 2 students couldn’t be busier. The students have been working hard across all areas of the curriculum and have produced some wonderful work. We are so proud of all our students and their achievements throughout the year. We hope you enjoy reading what we’ve been up to.  


Over the last two weeks we have revised telling the time to quarter to and quarter past on both an analogue and digital clock. We have played many fun interactive games such as matching analogue to analogue times, analogue to digital, analogue to words and digital to words. The children had a fun time playing “Splat” where they had to “splat” the correct time. In pairs, they matched the analogue to digital times and “Time Match”, where they had to read the time on a clock and then find the matching time written in various ways. We played a game of “Musical Clocks”, where the children danced to the music and then when it stopped, visited the closest child’s clock. They had to read the time written and write it down on their recording sheet. We saw some amazing dance moves!!! 


We also completed a learning task on reading and interpreting features on a map. The students followed a series of directions to plot a path on a map using directional language such as forwards, backwards and left and right. They also then drew their own path and wrote a set of directions to describe it. The students were required to name the places located on certain coordinates and to give the coordinates of chosen features. They used compass directions to describe the position of places on the map. 




Procedural Text 

During our Literacy sessions, the Year 2 students have been sharpening their writing skills by crafting procedural texts. The air was buzzing with excitement as they embarked on the journey of learning how to write a procedural text on making fairy bread. The dedicated teachers took on the role of enthusiastic participants, diligently following the step-by-step instructions provided by the students. There was a great deal of laughter as the teachers followed the students' steps exactly buttering a plastic bag containing the bread and sprinkles were playfully tossed onto the bag. The teachers went through each step as the students had written them. May sprinkles ended up on the table and floor.  The joyous atmosphere not only made the learning experience memorable but also highlighted the creative and collaborative spirit fostered in the classroom. The unexpected hilarity added a delightful twist to the process of imparting procedural writing skills, leaving an indelible impression on both students and teachers alike. 



Recently, they undertook a fascinating project on forces at work by creating their own marble runs. Each student wrote step-by-step instructions on how to build their unique marble run and added labelled diagrams. They showcased not only their understanding of forces but also their writing talents.  




This term, the focus in literacy has also extended to structure and organization. Using the innovative TiPTop method, our diligent Year 2s have been learning the art of paragraphing. When we change Time, Person, Topic or Place, we start a new paragraph. The students were given three pieces of coloured paper to write three paragraphs about Beaumaris North Primary School. Having the different coloured pieces of paper enable the students to see the three distinct paragraphs. They are grasping the importance of breaking down their thoughts into cohesive paragraphs, taking a giant leap in their journey toward becoming proficient writers. 

Pen pals 


Our students have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with their pen pals from Black Rock Primary School this year. The students have been busy connecting with their pen pals by writing them Christmas cards. As an extra special touch, they've crafted personalized name bookmarks. We hope they are surprised when Miss Maxwell delivers them this week. 

World Kindness Day 

Diving into the theme of kindness, the Year 2s celebrated World Kindness Day with some heartwarming activities. From creating kindness dominoes that linked one caring act to another, to designing "ice creams" adorned with sprinkles of kindness, the students have truly embraced the value of spreading positivity. They've also put pen to paper, reflecting on and illustrating three ways they can be kind in their everyday lives. These activities not only promote empathy but also foster a sense of community within our classrooms. 


This week in class, we had a fascinating exploration into our local community! We dived deep into various organizations to uncover the awesome roles and responsibilities of the people working there. 


One of the organizations we talked about was the fire station. Did you know firefighters are like real-life heroes? They brave fires, save kitties from trees, and make sure everyone stays safe. It's like having superheroes right in our town! 


Another organization we considered was the local library. Librarians are magical wizards of books! They organize stories, help us find the best adventures, and make sure everything is in tip-top shape. Imagine having your own guide to the world of books! 


Police Stations also got a guernsey. We talked about how Police officers are like guardians of peace. They keep our streets safe, help people in need, and make sure everyone follows the rules. It's like having friendly superheroes in uniform! 


Finally, we thought about hospitals. Doctors and nurses are the healers of our town. They fix broken bones, cure illnesses, and make sure everyone feels better. It's like having a team of healthcare magicians nearby! 


It was incredible to discover all the amazing people and jobs that keep our community running smoothly. Each role is like a puzzle piece, fitting perfectly to create a fantastic town. Who knew our community was filled with such incredible people? 


Can't wait to share more awesome adventures with you in the next newsletter. 

Stay curious! 

The Resilience Project and Cyber Safety 

The year two students have continued to be engaged in lessons on The Resilience Project as well as Cybersafety. We have just finished our sequence of lessons focused on gratitude in The Resilience Project and the students enjoyed writing letters of gratitude to the adults in their lives that they are grateful for. Students all chose various adults including their parents, grandparents, sports coaches, and godparents amongst others and were able to reflect on the significant role these people play in their lives. 

In Cyberstafey students have enjoyed lessons learning about strategies to manage peer pressure as well as making healthy choices about the way they use their time online. Students were able to recognise the difference between online “consumption” versus “creation” activities and why creating activities are a healthier choice when online. 


We will finish the year with a focus on mindfulness in The Resilience Project as students prepare for their transition into grade 3!