Principal's Report

It is now only 3 weeks until the 2023 school year comes to an end.


It is only when you reflect on the year that was that you can marvel at the ongoing achievements and successes of the 2023 school year.


We have a unique school and often forget that the educational opportunities are not common to all schools. The variety of programs and activities available to our students and their families extend far beyond the required curriculum.


We are recognised as an IB World School delivering the Primary Years Program as well as the Victorian Education Department’s curriculum. This accreditation not only acknowledges our international recognition of our policies and programs but makes us equal to many high fee-paying Independent Schools on a state, national and international standing.


Many schools advertise their school’s point of difference, and we are often asked why is BNPS a PYP school? 


The answer is simple - we wanted our school to be recognised as a World IB school and as a result we are continually enhancing our curriculum in line with the highest standards and protocols. The ongoing evaluation process is conducted by school leaders from schools beyond our state which ensures that the curriculum delivered is of the highest standard. 


The Learner Profile attributes of: 

Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring and Risk-takers aim to develop learners that can explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. 


In doing so, our students acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of discipline.


The attributes of the knowledgeable learner profiles ensure that our students have skills to adapt to the ever-changing society. If you compare today’s world to that of when you or your parents were at school, you will genuinely appreciate the change that today’s education must have!   


The World Wide Web became the world’s dominant information systems platform in 1991. The introduction of the web redefined how people interact and source information, but it cannot produce people skills and personal attributes - because of this we focus on the PYP Learner Profile attributes.


It is for these reasons that we are proud to say that Beaumaris North Primary School is recognised as an International Baccalaureate World School delivering the Primary Years Program to our students. 


We do not know what the future years will bring. We do know that a formal qualification usually assists in gaining employment, but we also know that people skills will ensure continuation in employment, hence the importance of the Learner Profile Attribute. 

Good Luck To Our Girls Lacross Team 


Our Year 5/6 Lacrosse girls have progressed past Districts and been invited to the next tournament which is to be held in Albert Park next Friday 1 December.  Mrs Dani Jones will attend this event to support our girls.  This is a first for our school - good luck everyone!


Christmas Concert Postponed


Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our Aussie Flavoured Christmas Concert tonight.


I understand this change may impact on existing family commitments, however, the decision to cancel tonight’s performance has been made based on information from the Bureau Of Meteorology, being predicated 25 to 35 km/h winds (with gusts up to 50 km/h) and showers.


We have now rescheduled our Aussie Flavoured Christman Concert to next WEDNESDAY, 6 DECEMBER commencing at 6pm.


The weather forecast for this evening will impact not only families’ comfort, but also the sound quality of the children singing, the safety factor of our electrical equipment. 


Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


Student Achievements Beyond our School Gate


  • Year 6 Student - Averie 

Congratulations to Averie in Year 6 who came third place in the National Cheer Leading Competition on the weekend. This is a truly magnificent achievement. 

  • Year 5 Student Maddie 

If you are looking for a special activity to take your children to during the school holidays, Maddie in Year 5 is performing at the Clayton Community Centre from 11 - 20 January 2024. 

Link here:




27 Years as a SunSmart School


Our school is a registered member of Cancer Council Victoria’s SunSmart Schools Program. We aim to protect children and staff from too much UV. Sun protection and skin cancer prevention is a shared responsibility. Please help support our SunSmart membership and sun protection efforts by ensuring your child follows the SunSmart measures included in our policy at school and at home. During the daily local sun protection times (usually from mid-August to the end of April), use these 5 SunSmart steps – even if it’s cool and cloudy.


We have just had our SunSmart membership reviewed and renewed, and I am proud to say we have just hit 27 years as a SunSmart member.


New Flagpoles


We have been directed by the DET to install 3 new flagpoles. This occurred this week, and we now proudly fly the Australian National Flag, the Australian Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag. Our flag monitors are doing a wonderful job of putting the flags up and down each day, following the correct protocols.


Sustainability Leaders

Our sustainability leaders did a wonderful job of ‘taking action’ and writing to Mitre 10 with a donation request. Mitre 10 happily obliged and have kindly donated 50 buckets and tongs to help us with the task of keeping our school grounds clean and tidy. Our wonderful Y6 sustainability leaders will soon be passing the baton to the incoming 2024 leaders who will be tasked next year with putting together a cleaning roster for 2024 for the whole school to be involved in an ongoing clean up. We would like to thank Mitre 10 for their generous donation and encourage the community to support them with any home hardware purchases. 

Student Achievement - Well Done Lucas

I received the following thankyou note from Lucas's Mum Linda who shared Lucas's achievements to get OUCC top 20 in Australia and a prize in Australia Math Competition. 


Mr Marashli’s consistent math extension, both Mr Marashid and Janine’s amazing skills teaching Lucas. They are truly exceptional teachers and aide! I am so grateful for the whole school’s support!





Kind regards

Sherril Duffy