Leadership Report

We want to wish all of our families a safe and restful holiday break. We hope the sun shines, and wherever you are, you get to spend quality time with those you love. We are often asked by parents, "What homework should I get my child to do over the school holidays?" The answer is simple and always the same: Give the kids a break from structured learning. This doesn't mean they can't be learning and thriving during the holidays. Spend time playing games, being outdoors, talking about their day, going on adventures, staying off screens, and trying new things together. We hope you can all make the most of the summer break and create memories to cherish for your whole family. After resting up and recharging the batteries, we look forward to seeing you all back for another action-packed and successful year in 2024.
END OF 2023
Last week, we celebrated our Year 6 students' completion of their time at primary school. The graduation celebration was a great opportunity for the students to share their memories of primary school with their families and friends. The students did an incredible job of presenting about each other to the audience.
Each of our graduating students now has their name printed on the honour board in the school gymnasium as a permanent memento of their time here at OPPS.
Yesterday, our Year 6 students also had their celebration day at Gumbuya World. The students had an incredible day on the roller coasters and waterslides and ended their Year 6 journey with a splash! Once again, this great bunch of kids represented our school in such a positive way and made us all proud.
At the end of a school year, just as we have students transition to high school or new schools, we also have staff who transition to new schools. This year we are saying farewell and good luck to a number of teachers and Education Support staff as they explore new adventures and opportunities. Whilst we are always sad to see staff leave OPPS, we are also so grateful for everything they have done during their time here. We thank them all for their commitment, guidance and support of all students here at OPPS and wish them the absolute best in their futures.
The following teachers are taking up new opportunities in 2024:
Shae Williams
Tanjil-lea Delport
Karina Cincotta
The following Education Support staff are also moving on to new opportunities in 2024:
Rachael Hyatt
Julie Shorey
Aleisha Maas
Kristy Griffiths
Brittany Collis
Cheyenne Scalzo
We would also like to wish students and their families who are moving on to new schools the very best in their transition in 2024. We will miss them all and I am sure they will all flourish in their new schools.
Last Thursday, we had our Christmas Concert on the school oval. All students did a fabulous job performing their songs in front of a massive audience. A massive thank you must also go to our Parents and Friends Group, who organised all the food trucks, hired and paid for our stage, and connected with all our very generous sponsors to donate prizes for our Monster Raffle. Through all their efforts, they raised well over $3000, which will go back into the school to enhance the learning experiences for all our students.
On Tuesday, December 12th, we ran our statewide transition day for all students P-6 across the school. We also had another morning transition session on Friday, December 15th, for our Year 1-6 students. The students met their teachers for next year, spent time with their new class in their Learning Communities for 2024, and welcomed new students who are transitioning to OPPS from other schools next year. We were so proud of the way our current students made all our new students feel so welcome straight away. Our new students left with beaming smiles on their faces, having already started to form strong and positive relationships with their teachers and peers. These sessions have set all our students up for a positive start to the 2024 school year.
Last Friday, all our classes celebrated the end of the year with their class parties featuring hot chips, potato cakes, drinks, and lots of fun and laughter. It was lovely to see all the students enjoying the company of their 2023 classmates and teachers. We couldn't believe that there were leftover chips in some of the Learning Communities!! Clearly, all the students had full bellies!
We are missing some books from our end-of-year stocktake. We ask that all families please have a look over the holiday period for any books they may not have returned. If these could please be returned to the office (not Learning Communities), we would be very appreciative.
Semester Two Reports are now available via Compass. Please see the Newspost for instructions on how to access your child's report.
On Monday, January 29th, the school term will begin for staff where they will be setting up classrooms and planning for students to return from their holiday break on Tuesday the 30th Janurary our students in Year 1-6 will commence their 2024 School Year.
From Tuesday January 30th, to Friday February 2nd, our 2024 Prep students will be sitting their 1:1 testing with their classroom teacher. This is an opportunity for students to get to know their teachers, and our teachers to collect some initial assessment from each and every one of our 2024 preps. Bookings for these interviews will be available via Compass. Our Prep Students will be commencing their school journey on Monday, February 5th.
Last Friday, the whole school came together for our final assembly for the year. The main event of our assembly was the announcement of our 2023 Year 6 Leaders. Many of our students put together speeches as part of their application process, and we are proud of them all for being brave enough to be vulnerable and take this risk. We are very excited to announce the following people as our leaders for next year.
School Captains:
Conley Tanielu
Arshnoor Kaur
Rishika Pillai
Frankie Petty
Abhijot Mann
Oliver Cowling
Mariah Kum Kee
Oscar Ravenhall
Dulai Wurrung:
Jayda MacDonald
Bethany Mayfield
Cultural and Community Engagement Leaders:
Cardin Vu
George Stein
We look forward to these students building upon the great work of our 2023 School Leaders and further strengthening our student voice.