Assistant Principal's Report

Christmas Carols @ BRPS - December 18th, 3:45 pm
We are looking forward to holding our annual Christmas Carols on this coming Monday. It is always a wonderful event the allows all members of the BRPS community to come together to celebrate the festive season and the year that we have shared together. The students are looking forward to performing in front of the audience.
Given the weather forecast is....HOT, we have decided we will make use of our amphitheater located on the Ferguson Street side of the oval for the students to perform. We will have a section taped off, when setting up if people could please stay behind this line it will help to ensure it is easier to move the students on and off the stage.
Parents/carers are invited to bring picnic rugs, camp chairs, food and plenty of hydrating refreshments to enjoy the afternoon. We will look forward to announcing the winners of our art auction and live auctioning any art works that have not had any bids and drawing the winners of our hamper raffle. (Raffle tickets will still be on sale to purchase the afternoon of the carols.)
Community Events & Engagement Team
What a wonderful year we have had! We have raised an amazing amount of money which ensures we are able to resurface the asphalt area. This would not be possible without the support of our amazing volunteers and parent community. To our class representatives, we appreciate you being such a huge link between the school and our families.
We are already planning our first community event for 2024.
The Running Colour and Welcome Picnic are planned for Friday March 22nd.
Hopefully everyone can enjoy a happy holidays and new year and we will look forward to a wonderful 2024.
Em Harvey
Acting Assistant Principal