Principal's Report

Hello BRPS community,
As we get close to signing off on a wonderful year of learning, events and activities, I would like to thank the BRPS community for your connection and contributions throughout the year. It is that involvement that helps to make the BRPS community the unique and inviting place that it is.
I would especially like to thank the dedicated teachers, Education Support (student and admin) staff and leaders of BRPS for their commitment throughout the year. We’re lucky to have you and hope you enjoy your well-earned rest over the festive season.
We again look to the new year with a sense of optimism and continuing to fulfil our mission to maintain Black Rock Primary School as 'the most vibrant and passionate learning community in the City of Bayside.'
Please see the '2024 BRPS Staff' page for 2024 class and staffing information.
The following staff members will be leaving BRPS in 2024, some for a temporary period of time and others forever…
This year we have farewelled several staff members through retirement and transfers this year. We thank Jayne Timms, Lee Aigner, Leanne Beales and Paula Lamb for all of their contributions to the school over many years of service. We also officially farewell the following staff:
Kim Taing - Year 5
After 7 years at Black Rock PS in a variety of year levels, Kim has accepted a teaching position at a school closer to home. We thank Kim for her dedication to the students and families at our school and wish her all the best in her new role. We expect to announce Kim's replacement to partner with Rose Thompson in Year 5 before the end of this school year.
Cal Jackson - Year 1
After completing his first year as a graduate teacher at BRPS, Cal is taking next year as an opportunity to complete additional study and we wish him all the best.
Cath Macaskill - Year 1
Cath has been a wonderful addition to the Year One team across the second half of the year. We wish Cath all the best in her next endeavours also.
Bec Long - Art
Bec has fitted in seamlessly bringing her talents into the art room this year. Thank you for all you've contributed to the amazing BRPS art room this year Bec!
Joanne Hogan - Education Support
After 12 years of care and dedication towards supporting the learning, wellbeing and development of many students, Jo is retiring to rest, or maybe not rest moreso than spend time looking after her lovely grandchildren.
Sophie Moir (Year 3) commenced maternity/parental leave in Term 4 of this year, and will continue that leave into 2024.
Abbey O'Brien (Year 1) will return for a brief period at the start of next year before commencing maternity/parental leave for her second child.
Rachael Baker will be taking 12 months leave in 2024 to take up a role at another school she currently works at part-time. Good luck Rachael!
We welcome a number of familiar staff returning to BRPS in 2023:
Marie Nicoll (2024 Year One), Allison Capron & Krystal Frazer (2024 Year Two) and Beth Tyrrell (2024 Year 4) will be returning on a part-time basis.
Also joining us as new members of the Education Support Team in 2024 are Belinda Kay, Nivedita Jha and Myra Doyle.
Christmas Concert & Picnic - Monday 18th December
We're looking forward to welcoming our school community to the Christmas Concert and Picnic from 3.45-5.45pm on Monday evening. The weather forecast is for a hot afternoon, therefore we will hold the event on the oval, please see the Assistant Principal report for
Year 6 Graduation Events/Celebration Assembly
2023 Year Book
Thank you to our 2023 BRPS yearbook Year 6 students and “Editors-in-Chief” for curating this year’s edition. Many thanks also to Year 6 teacher Cass Morgan who supported the students to learn new skills, work to deadlines and produce a professional year book for the entire school to enjoy. Keep an eye out for your copy at the end of the year.
Graduation Night
Our graduation night was held last night at Sandringham Secondary College and was a wonderful reflection and celebration of our Year 6 students' journey through primary school. Congratulations to the students and teachers who made it such a great evening.
“Buddy” Fish and Chips
Today, the Year Six students farewell their Foundation buddies with a walk down to Black Rock beach for a sand castle building contest. They then returned to school for a hot chip lunch with the buddies.
Graduation Lunch
Graduation lunch will go ahead at the Black Rock Bowls Club on Tuesday 19th December.
Celebration Assembly
We are again planning to send off our Year 6 students and the entire school in style at our celebration assembly on Tuesday 19th December. Final day dismissal is at 3.30pm, with the final assembly commencing at 2.45pm
Casual Clothes Day Fundraising
Thank you to everyone who contributed to fundraising through gold coin donations on casual clothes day to go towards the East West Foundation.
Our community raised $3009.45 which contributes to a school and learning resources for underprivileged children in India. Your generosity is much appreciated.
2024 Parent Payment Arrangements
All families have received information regarding the 2024 Parent Payment Arrangements via Compass.
School Council and the Finance Sub Committee have worked hard to maintain costs given the current cost of living pressures we understand families are experiencing, without compromising the educational programs, diversity of offerings and quality of schooling your children enjoy. We thank you for your ongoing support and contribution to the school, without we would not be able to provide the quality of learning and wellbeing programs, as well as resources and facilities that we do. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.
Capital Works Projects
Stadium/Oval Toilet, Changeroom and Sports Store Build - DATES ADDED!!
A kick-off meeting with builders was held last week and we now have a timeline for this project.
The project area will be fenced off next Wednesday 20th December, with construction to commence on January 8th, 2024. The build is expected to be complete by June 2024 - watch this space!
Sports Court Resurfacing
Our application still sits with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) for approval for our major fundraising project - asphalt/sports court resurfacing. We're hoping to obtain approval soon so that the works can be booked in to start at the earliest convenient time.
Term 4 - Important Dates
Parents are reminded that whole-school and year-level specific dates are constantly updated on the Compass Calendar. The 2024 calendar is already filling quickly with key events.
As previously communicated, the final day for students in 2023 will be Tuesday 19th December. Dismissal will be at 3.30pm after the final Celebration Assembly. The Year 6 Graduation Lunch will also be held on that day.
2023 Final Day for Students - Timetable
9am: Start in classrooms
11-11.30am: Recess
12.30-2pm: Graduation Lunch/Lunch Break
2.45pm: Celebration Assembly
3.30pm: Dismissal
2024 Start Dates & Planning
Please refer to the Compass Calendar for 2024 dates which are beginning to fill.
Several key dates for the commencement of the 2024 school year have been determined:
Mon 29 Jan: Staff Return (Statewide Student Free Day)
Tue 30 Jan - All students F-6 Return
Wed 31 Jan; 7, 14, 21, 28 Feb: - Foundation days off
Fri 8 March: Curriculum Day (student-free)
The dates of the three remaining student-free days for 2024 are TBC at the beginning of next year.
2024 Intensive Swimming Program Dates
To assist with forward planning, the 2024 Intensive Swimming Program dates are published by term and week below. Please see the Compass Calendar for the exact dates.
Foundation: Term 4 - Week 1 & 2
Year 1/2: Term 3 - Week 9 & 10
Year 3/4: Term 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3
Year 5/6: Term 4 - Week 7 & 8
I wish all of our community a safe, relaxed and happy festive season spent with family and friends and look forward to a year of learning and fun when we return in 2024.
Sam Tyndall