P&F News

The St Joseph's P&F would like to welcome all new and continuing students and their families to a new and exciting year.
We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful summer break. 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year with many fantastic events in the pipeline which we look forward to meeting our new families and catching up with our returning families.
If you are interested in learning more about the P&F we will have representatives of our committee at the welcome BBQ on Tuesday 13th February. please feel free to have a chat with us.
We will kick off the year with our first major event for the year on Saturday 16th March with our ball. Dust off your dancing shoes and gather your friends for a night of live music, delicious food and great times. Tickets will go on sale next week and all details will be published on the school Facebook page in the next few days.
We look forward to bringing everyone together for what promises to be a fantastic evening and hope you can all join us.