Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

At the time of writing, we have completed our 2024 Opening School Mass, the annual Swimming Carnival and our first Whole School Assembly. All of these events highlight WHAT St Joseph’s School Glen Innes is all about.


Firstly, as a school founded on the Catholic faith close to 140 years ago, gathering as a faith community to celebrate the Eucharist is WHY we even exist in the first place. Our role as Catholic educators, in partnership with our families, is to bring our children into a close personal and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Our regular prayer life at school, at home and through the parish is an essential, nourishing and rewarding practice that intentionally forms growth in faith and relationship for our students. Consequently, as partners in this important work, all families should feel very welcome to attend any of our school-parish Eucharistic celebrations and liturgies. The next opportunity will be on Wednesday 14 February at 12 noon in the Undercroft for Ash Wednesday.


Secondly, the Swimming Carnival is a fine example of our holistic approach to education. Here at St Joseph’s, we educate the WHOLE child. And we do not say “READ - REST - RUN '' for nothing! We want our children to aspire in as many ways as possible to achieve their best - in the classroom - on the sporting field and on the stage. Watching those wonderful swimmers pound down the pool on Wednesday would tell me that many of them have been training hard and improving themselves over the summer swim season to have achieved such exceptional times and winning performances. As I have told the children over and over again - no one achieves any sort of success without hard work. And that hard work only happens with the right attitude and a relentless focus on improvement.  


On a separate note, big thanks to Mrs Barratt and her team of skilful helpful adults (teachers and parents) who led the planning and coordination of such a successful Swimming Carnival - good fun had by all!


During the first Whole School Assembly on Friday, our 2024 School Captains - Indie Lawson and Andy Watson spoke about their personal and school aspirations for this year. No surprise that despite both leaders focussing on different aspirational aspects, they both emphasized the importance of hard work and effort. These two children are fine examples of a St Joseph's Graduate that we are proud to send on to secondary school at the end of this year.  Andy and Indie represent what we want from all of our kids - literate, numerate, kind and friendly people who understand the value of coming to school every day (ATTENDANCE) and the positive effort that it takes to form successful interpersonal relationships with others. We look forward to their future success in 2024 and beyond.


Finally, a few quick ‘plugs’ for some very important events that are coming up sooner than you think!


  • Welcome BBQ and Open Classrooms - Tuesday 13 February from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Bring your children and enter via the Meade Street gate.  Your wonderful children will then take you on a tour to meet their 2024 teachers and support staff in our contemporary classrooms. When you are done, pop back to the Undercroft for a sausage sizzle. Mr McManus will be speaking briefly from 6 pm. The P&F team will also be there to meet and greet and promote their fun activities and plans for 2024.
  • Check out the information in this newsletter from the P&F about the upcoming St Joseph's Ball at the Showgrounds on Saturday 16 March. A fun night is guaranteed and you do not want to miss out!
  • As part of our fundraising for CARITAS Project Compassion for Term 1 led by the SRC, we run an Easter raffle with a massive prize draw on Thursday 28 March. Could I humbly ask that families donate an Easter chocolate-something, like a rabbit, bunny, bilby, or box-o-chocolates, that can then be included in our massive prize draw? Tickets will go on sale at school next week for $1 each as well as a final sales pitch on the actual date. Thank you in advance for your kind donations.


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
