Sickbay/First Aid

Sick Bay Notification 

Hello everyone! 


What a busy few weeks we've had. I've met many new faces in the first aid space and some regulars :) 

Just a reminder to families that students are not allowed to have creams or medicines within their bags. We ask that any medication is bought to the front office where the form can be filled in. Medication must be in original packaging and have a clear expiry date on it. 


We are not allowed to administer Panadol or Nurofen without parent consent. Please note we do not have a school supply of these medications. We understand that there are exceptions to this, however both of these medicines can mask symptoms and illnesses. These cannot be in students' bags and must be brought to the front office. We appreciate your understanding in this. 


Spring is here! With it comes the irregular weather, sunny and 30 degrees one day and raining and 11 degrees the next. It's also the time of year to be vigilant with thunderstorm Asthma. We've just collected some information to help with this: 


You might have a higher chance of a sudden asthma flare-up triggered by a thunderstorm if you have:   

  • seasonal hay fever   
  • current asthma   
  • a history of asthma 
  • undiagnosed asthma.  


To lower the chance of having thunderstorm asthma when it is a known trigger for you, it is best to have good asthma management year-round.   

This means:   

  • using your preventer especially during the spring thunderstorm season   
  • keeping your hay fever under control and taking any necessary hay fever medication 
  • checking pollen levels and where possible avoid being outside on these days.  
  • being prepared. Have your scripts and supply of your asthma and hay fever medicines ready for the thunderstorm asthma and pollen seasons.  

This information has been collected from the following website:

 Thunderstorm asthma - Asthma Australia


On the topic of Asthma, we are fast approaching 2024 and as such students who require inhalers to be kept at school also require an in-date Asthma plan from a local Gp and an in-date Inhaler. As the end of the year approaches, we will send out letters for families to remind them of any asthma plans that require a review. 


Have a lovely week everyone!