Aerobics Presentation Night

Congratulations to all MGC’s Aerobics athletes for a wildly successful 2023! On Wednesday 29th November, we were able to celebrate their achievements at the Aerobics Presentation Night.


The evening was an opportunity for the team and families to come together to celebrate every athlete’s participation, achievement and success. 2023 was the most successful year in aerobics at MGC and this is due to the dedication, passion, skill and creativity of all the athletes. 


We must make special mention of the award winners for 2023:

Level 3 Coach’s Award – Holly Wickett

Level 4 Coach’s Award – Maeve O’Byrne

Level 5/6 Coach’s Award – Taya Argus

Level 7 Coach’s Award – Mila Eastick   

Fitness Award – Estelle Paul

Attitude and Effort Award – Lucia Paul

Team of the Year – Alina Wiebenga and Carlotta Mortley-Mora

Athlete of the Year – Taya Argus

Judy Crowe Encouragement Award Stephanie Flanc

Caroline Milles Perpetual Award – Amy Morrison


The evening was also an opportunity to introduce the Aerobics Captains for 2024. A very big congratulations to Brooke Marsland and Lucia Pegler! We are excited about the incredible contributions Brooke and Lucia will bring to the team and the positive impact they will undoubtedly make. 


We would also like to offer a heartfelt thanks to the coaching team – Holly Morrison, Jasmine Wong, Evelyn Gammon and April Eastick, for their tireless dedication, countless hours of hard work and the genuine care they have shown our athletes. 


Finally, we say goodbye to our amazing Year 12 athletes who have been part of the Aerobics program at MGC since Year 7. Mila, Amy, Grace, Ella S, Jess and Ella F have been amazing role models and mentors to the team, and they will be very missed!

We are looking forward to an equally fun and successful 2024!


Amber Munro and Marilyn Libbis

Aerobics Leaders