2024 School Co-Captains

Hi my name is Grace, I am one of your College Co-Captains for 2024. Since arriving in Year 9 at MGC, I have been given the opportunity to be a part of leadership mainly in the Student Representative Council, the Senior School Executive, and School Council. I am also currently involved with the MGC Interact Club, where we work together to give back to the community. I am extremely excited to work with Lily and Nandini in 2024!

Hey! I’m Lily, and alongside Grace and Nandini, I am one of your College Co-Captains for 2024.

I have been heavily involved in leadership at MGC since 2019 (Year 7), mainly through sporting and house events.


I was Lyons House Captain in 2023 - I loved this role as I was given the opportunity to create camaraderie throughout our house and school community.

I can’t wait to bring the leadership and social experience I have developed over the years into the college captain role for 2024 with Grace and Nandini!!


The three of us are so excited to work with each other and the wider school community in 2024.


We will support ideas and collaborate with both senior and middle school executives to ensure voice is heard by implementing student-led change and promoting connectedness amongst our MGC community.


See you next year!

Grace Skariah

Lily Murrihy

Nandini Vyas