Student News

Please return school library books

If you have any library books at home or in your locker can you please return them to the school library.

Free Dress Friday 8th December - in support our local CFA

The Student Excutive wanted to run one last event for the year, to raise money for a good cause - the local CFA.   Students should bring a gold coin donation, to be collected in homegroup.  If donation is not possible, please wear your full school uniform.

National All Schools Athletics Championships

We wish students Alec and Eddy all the best this week when they head to Perth from the 7-10th December to represent Victoria in the National All Schools Athletics Championships. Alec will be competing in the U16 3000m and Eddy in the U15 3000m (Eddy will be running up an age group which is a huge achievement). Only 2 athletes from each state are eligible to compete in each event making the school’s competition even more special.