Hard Quiz 

Year 11 students have participated in a challenge based on the TV quiz show 'Hard Quiz.' Students were required to read assigned articles on randomly allocated topics and then answer questions derived from these articles.  The English teachers would like to acknowledge the four students who won their class championship and played off to become the inaugural Year 11 Hard Quiz champion. 

The contenders were:

  • Eli Gibellini 
  • Jade Reilly
  • Jasmine Stowe
  • Ava Hainsworth

Congratulations are extended to Jade Reilly, who won the championship playoff. Jade's commitment to reading her opponents' articles paid off. Well done and congratulations, Jade. 

Leanne Browning




As part of the 2023 English course, Year 11 students created a piece of writing based on their own life experiences in a format suitable for submission to the ABC 'Heywire' competition.  'Heywire' is an annual competition encouraging rural youth to share their stories. The English teachers wish to recognise the bravery and vulnerability behind the submissions of the Year 11 cohort, which resulted in a wonderful collection of country tales submitted to 'Heywire'. 


The College is delighted to report that Ava Hainsworth and Sam McHutchison were recognised with Highly Commended awards from the ABC. These students both gave a strong sense of their experiences, which drew the attention of the ABC judges—well done. 

Leanne Browning



Elders Wool Store Excursion

On Friday November 10th, our Year 11 Agriculture Focus students engaged in an informative excursion to the Elders Wool Stores in East Rockingham. This practical experience provided a detailed look into wool processing post-farmgate.

The day commenced with a closer look at the arrival of wool to the facility. Inside the Elders Wool Stores facility, our students observed the organised handling and sorting procedures, highlighting the precision required in this stage of the supply chain.


A notable aspect of the excursion was observing the core sampling process. This critical step involves extracting samples from different sections of wool bales to assess quality and characteristics. It provided students with insights into the meticulous nature of wool testing and its role in determining wool grade and value.


The showroom visit was equally informative, showcasing various wool products, including the College’s own wool. This first-hand exposure provided a practical understanding of the market complexities and strategic thinking involved in wool buying.


Congratulations to students on their positive behaviour on the excursion and thank you to Elders for facilitating the excursion. 

Patrick Swallow

Plant and Animal Production


Congratulations Year 11 students

Congratulations to our Year 11 students who finished their class subjects this week. We wish you a happy and safe holiday. We look forward to your return at the beginning of next year. Hopefully, you will all be refreshed and ready to tackle the last stretch of your high school journey!