This week is the last official week for our Year 11 cohort for 2023. Some Year 11s will return next week to undertake Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling.  Year 10 students have another couple of weeks before undertaking their work experience program in Weeks 9 and 10 of the term. All staff across the College are still extremely busy as we complete the end-of-year reporting cycle, review our programs and prepare for the intake of new students for 2024. No doubt the last four weeks will fly by and we will all be sitting down to Christmas dinner with family and friends. 


Remembrance Day

Last weekend the Residential students who stayed in for the weekend represented the College at the local Remembrance Day ceremony in Harvey. Unfortunately, due to personal commitments, I was unable to attend, however I was kept well informed via messages, photos and videos and felt extremely proud when I received this information.  The feedback received on the day from the local community was outstandingly positive. The students and staff who attended and represented the College are to be commended. Attached is a copy of a letter received from the local RSL during the week. 


Parent Surveys

Thank you to the Year 11 parents who have completed the survey so far. To date, 12 parents from the cohort of 68 students have provided their feedback via the survey. The Year 11 parent survey will remain open and available until 9.00 pm on 24th November. I encourage those parents who have not yet completed the survey to do so and provide the College with their feedback. Parents will be sent a reminder email with the link included. 


Year 10 parents will receive an email next week inviting them to provide their feedback via the survey. The closing date for Year 10 parents is 9.00 pm on 4th December.



Information was provided via email at the beginning of the week to parents of current students in Years 10 and 11 in relation to a small number of students who tested positive for COVID. I wish to thank the students, staff and parents for how they responded positively and assisted in managing the students and their child who tested positive. Thank you – your understanding and support is very much appreciated.


Stay safe, look after each other and have a great weekend!