Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Flying to Foundation and Parents as Partners

Alongside the children attending ‘Flying to Foundation’, a ‘Parents as Partners’ program has been organised for the parents each week. This program has the mantra of ‘Enrolling Your Family and not just your Child’. 


At the last session, parents were asked to reflect on their hopes and aspirations for their child’s schooling and for their future. 


Following are some of their responses.

I hope he /she will……………

  • settle in well to school
  • love learning
  • develop social skills
  • embrace school and everything it has to offer to help learn, grow and develop
  • make good friends who treat her well
  • form respectful relationships with peers and adults / educators
  • be happy and be a good human being
  • become educated, independent, confident and smart
  • learn the values of life
  • make amazing memories
  • have a great bond with their teacher
  • develop lasting friendships
  • be a kind individual with empathy for others
  • enjoy their learning journey
  • strive to be the best they can be
  • become resilient, responsible and honest

The session was called “Getting Involved. ’Parents were able to meet other Foundation parents, ask questions and hear information about getting how they can get involved in their child’s school life . We look forward to working together with all of our families of our new Foundation students for 2024.

Staff Car Park

Parking around any school during school drop off or pick up times is always challenging for any parent. Fortunately we have four 'Kiss and Drop' zones in Bradford Avenue and Langton Way to alleviate these busy times. Common sense and consideration are always important factors to make this time better for all.


However, please be mindful that our staff carpark is not available for parents to enter for student drop off or pick up. There are not even enough spaces to cater for all of our staff! You are not permitted to use the staff carpark unless you have a short term Parent Parking Permit usually given for medical circumstances verified by a doctor. This might include the following circumstances:

  • You have a disability where you cannot walk and your child is in Foundation and does not have a sibling to pick them up and walk with them to your designated pick-up spot.
  • Your child is not able to walk into the school ground themselves eg. broken leg.

Christmas Concert


Our Christmas Concert is scheduled for Thursday, 7 December starting 

at 4:00pm and finishing at around 6:30pm. Every class will be 

performing a song. 


Bring your picnic blankets or chairs. Sausages and drinks will be on sale. The concert will again be located in the courtyard/assembly area with picnic blanket space only at the front and chairs further back. 


A photo pit will again be located in front of the performers for parents to take photos of their children performing.   It will be sitting only in the Photo Pit – no standing!  



Do you have a child who will be a Foundation student in 2024? Have you enrolled him/ her yet? If not, please do so immediately by phoning the school office.


Also if your child is not returning to Greenvale Primary School in 2024 (excluding Year 6's), can you please call the office 9333 2500.


Food for Thought







Angelika Ireland