From the Principal

Our students are amazing
Last weekend I had the honour of supporting 2 of our school captains, Teagan and Cyprus, as they represented our school in honouring those who have lost their lives in service for their country. Teagan and Cyprus attended the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Tim Neville arboreteum in Ferntree Gully, where they participated in the formal ceremony by lowering flags to half mast and then raising them again.
Before the ceremony, both girls walked through the crowd greeting guests and handing out poppies. I couldn't have been more impressed with the poise, confidence and care the girls showed in speaking to adults. Our school leaders are always wonderful role models and representatives of our school and Cyprus and Teagan are no different. Well done girls you were amazing.
Colour Run
We all need to say a massive "THANK YOU" to the PFA for their efforts in organising the Colour Run last Friday. Our students had a fantastic time and the pictures say it all. These events require a huge amount of coordination and we are a very lucky community to have such hard-working and dedicated people on our PFA. If you have yet to transfer your fundraising to the school, please see the message sent through Compass earlier in the week.
Morning Drop Off
Recently we have had quite a few students being dropped off as early as 8.15am. There are no teachers on yard duty until 8.45 am and classrooms are also not open. If you need to drop your child off at school prior to 8.45 am, there are 2 options available to you, before school care and breakfast club. For the safety of your child, please don't leave them at school alone prior to 8.45 am.
2024 Classes
The end of year will be upo us before we know it and planning for 2024 is well underway. If there is anyone who has not yet enrolled, or knows someone who hasn’t, please encourage them to do so immediately. Likewise, if for any reason you are not returning to LPS in 2023, please advise the office in writing ASAP.
Adam Wight, Principal