Learning & Teaching

Year 2 Incursion
As part of the Year 2 Science Inquiry Unit this term, 'The Wonder of Water,' the students participated in an incursion facilitated by Mad About Science. The workshop focused on:
- Water
- The Water Cycle
- Capillary Action
- The power of water to transform landscapes
- Water Pollution
- Properties of Water Surface Tension and Cohesion
Year 1 News
Year 1 Experience
Last Friday the Year 1 children enjoyed their carnival themed experience which consisted of a magic and puppet show, balloon twisting workshop and a scrumptious pizza dinner. Thank you to Mrs Edmonds, Mrs Mulhall and Miss Burke for organising the day.
Olden Days
Year 1 have been learning about how things have changed over time and throughout generations, in particular school life. They have identified similarities and differences from the past and present school day. Today, the teachers and children dressed up in olden day clothing to re-enact a classroom.
Year 6 Sailing
The Year 6's have been mastering their sailing skills each week. Thank you to the staff and parents who have assisted. Next Friday is the final sailing session.
Prep Breakfast
As part of our Camp Program, the Prep children will be having a breakfast at school on Thursday 30 November. The children will come to school dressed in their pyjamas and eat breakfast together. This will also be a special Christmas celebration for the Preps with Christmas craft and a special Christmas incursion from 'The Flying Bookworm Theatre Company.' Children can wear a touch of Christmas with their sports uniform for the day.