Music News

On Monday the 14th August 40 students from the Senior Choir performed at the The Monash Youth Music Festival. The student's should be commended not only on their wonderful singing but the way they conducted themselves and represented the school at a public event.
The competition was a tough one with quite a few very experienced choirs entering and although we did not place I am thrilled with the adjudicators report. We scored 83/100 and received comments such as 'A lovely beginning' 'Great repertoire' 'Rhythmically accurate' and 'A good contrast' to name a few.
Well done Senior Choir!
Concert Preparation is well and truly underway with classes practicing their singing and dancing. During Performing Arts lessons students have been using their acting skills to create short videos using the green screen. We can't wait to show you the finished product at the school concert on Wednesday 13th September.
On Thursday we had our concert recording day where classes got to feel like recording artists and sing their concert songs into microphones. It was a lot of fun learning about the Audio equipment and working with Michael from Video Essentials.
Kind regards,
Stefania Miller