Deputy Principal News

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final newsletter for this term. It has been a very busy term with lots happening at school. A big thank you to all our fantastic parents, staff and students for making our school community a great place to be. 


For families managing illness, or have recently experienced a bereavement with the loss of a loved one, please know you are very much in our thoughts and prayers.

Congratulations also to families who have recently welcomed a new addition to their families with the birth of a child. We wish you every happiness and joy at this special time.


End of Term Sport Colours Day:

A reminder that the last day of term, Friday 15th September, is sports colours clothing day. Children can wear the uniform of a sporting team they are involved in or the colours of a favourite sporting team. (Hopefully a few Matildas in the mix this year!!) 


The format of the day will be as follows:


10:15am - 11:00am - Student / Teacher Netball Match.


12:00pm - 12:45pm - Assembly / Terrific Kids awards.


12:50pm - 1:15pm - Hot dog lunch.


2:15pm dismissal.


The Community Group are organising a hot dog lunch and as a tradition, a staff versus students sporting match will take place. This year it will be netball. 


We look forward to a fun day to finish the term.


ICAS Assessment Tasks 2023.

All ICAS assessment tasks have been completed. Well done to all the children who participated this year. The school will receive a certificate of completion for each of the children who participated in the coming weeks. Parents can also log onto the portal to view their child’s results. Some results won’t be up yet as some tasks have only just been completed.










Book Fair:

Our Book Fair will be taking place this year from Monday 16th October till Friday 20th October. More information regarding this will appear in upcoming newsletters.  


Zooper Doopers:

The sale of Zooper Doopers will begin in Term Four on Tuesdays and Fridays. They cost 50c each with a maximum of two per child. We ask children to buy Zooper Doopers for themselves or brothers/sisters only – they are not to purchasing for friends/classmates. 


Hats – Term Four:

A reminder that hats need to be worn outside in Term Four. As a part of our SunSmart policy, children are required to wear hats outside during breaks or other activities during the day. Please ensure your child’s hat is clearly named so that if it is misplaced it can be easily returned to it’s owner. Hats also need to be SunSmart and neat – not written on or torn etc. They are an important part of our school uniform. Sunscreen is supplied in all classrooms. If your child wishes to bring their own they are more than welcome to. 

Thank you for your support with this.


Swimming Program:

This year, our school swimming program will be taking place in Term Four. The dates for this are Monday 30th October till Friday 3rd November. All children will be participating in lessons led by qualified swimming teachers each day at Aquamoves. Children will travel to and from the pool by bus. More information about our swimming program will be in future newsletters.




Grade 3 – 6 Divisional Athletics:

Week One of Term Four is a busy start to the term with Divisional Sports happening for Grade’s 3-6. Starting Tuesday, each year level will attend the Shepparton Athletics Track to compete in track and field events with other schools. The timetable for the week is as follows:

Tuesday 3rd October – Grade 6 students attending.

Wednesday 4th October – Grade 5 students attending.

Thursday 5th October – Grade 4 students attending.

Friday 6th October – Grade 3 students attending.


Children will be required to wear their school sports uniform on the day and bring their hat, lunch, snacks and water bottle.  Mr Watts will communicate any changes to the program and a permission slip has been uploaded on PAM for parents (Gr 3-6) to complete. Could this please be filled out by the end of this term.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday break coming up and we look forward to seeing the children back at school in Term Four.

Kind regards.




Thankyou for all your orders so far this year. Issue #6 orders should arrive early next week. WOW,  what a bumper of an issue it was with a lot of sales. For every Book club order, Scholastic gives back 15% of the total order to our school to purchase new resources for our Library and classrooms. With your help we have been very fortunate to be able to purchase some new books. The children love to visit the library and see the new books and displays.

Issue #7 will not be sent next term as we will be having our onsite Book Fair. More details to come next term.