5 CA

Mr Cameron and Miss Ash


Our reading groups have been great to be able to be very specific with our teaching. Each group has a focus and are able to work through that each week. One group has been working hard with Miss Ash and has focused on different ways authors write for engagement. We have looked closely as the narrator of a story not being a human. We brainstormed lots of books or movies where this is the case and then had a go at writing a short story ourselves where the narrator was something other than a human. 

This was quite fun to do and listen to each other's ideas. 



Our writing saw us have a go at writing a story in 100 words. We tried not to be so precise with the word limit but aimed at having a finished story with a beginning, middle and end in 100 words. We realised we had to be very smart with our word choices and be a little more adventurous than usual. 


We have worked on Financial Maths where we spent time choosing items to buy, adding up their total, working with a budget and creating a timetable for our spending. This was a very engaging few lessons and the children had lots of fun. We were surprised that so many of them struggled to spend the $100 limit and wanted to keep the change :) I think some of them really thought they were going to see that change!

We have now moved on to strategies of Multiplication and Division. 

Gabriel's timetable
Henry's calculations
Reece's costing
Mariana's timetable
Gabriel's timetable
Henry's calculations
Reece's costing
Mariana's timetable


Education in Faith

We have been working in small groups to prepare a prayer service. We are learning about what is included, what could help to make a prayer service engaging and how to lead a service. We will be sharing these with the whole school on a Wednesday as our whole school prayer service.

We will let you know  via Seesaw when these will be happening, so that hopefully you are able to join us and see what we have been busy with. 

Science Week 

What a lot of fun and mess we had last Friday afternoon to celebrate Science Week. After listening to student voice and seeing what the students were interested in around Science, we conducted an experiment called 'Snow Fluff'. We mixed Corn Flour, food dye and shaving cream togethher to form 'snow.' It took  time, persistance and a whole lot of mess, but most groups got there. 

They then went off to Miss Georgia's activity where they made 'Elephants Toothpaste.' 

Camp reminders

Just a reminder to have a read of the note that went home yesterday regarding what to bring on camp. It is important to read carefully, particularly what is required for the Costume School at Soverign Hill. 

We also need everyone to arrive at 8:10am as we need to head off early to be in Ballarat nice and early to begin our camp. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at school or email Miss Ash on ashleigh.m@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au


Enjoy your weekend, hopefully with more of this sunshine. 

Miss Ash & Mr C