Performing Arts News

The choir and the band performed for both Italian Day and the School Assembly this term. All of the students did a fantastic job as you can see in the videos. They are looking forward to their next performance at the School production.
We are very excited to present our school production:
Star-Struck Melodies: A Tribute to Music's Timeless Magic.
We will be presenting a big screen outdoor cinema experience for you and your family to attend on: Thursday the 2nd of November Term 4. We will enjoy this experience picnic style on our school oval with food trucks and lots of fun.
A full-dress rehearsal will happen on: Wednesday 13th SeptemberWe will be recording the dances in costume on: Thursday 14th September
Students will need to come to school either dressed in costume, or with the costume in a bag. Year level teachers have sent out communication regarding your child's individual costume. If you have further questions about costumes, speak to your child's teacher.
Some of the teachers will need support with student costumes and make up. If you would like to support your child’s teachers, please speak to them directly.
The choir, band, and instrumentalists will be performing live on the night. Details to follow.
We are very excited to share this special night with our school community.
Melanie Dobra
Performing Arts Teacher