Year 1 News

Inquiry - Rain Gauges
Students in Year 1 have been learning about changes in the weather and how and why we need to understand the weather in our daily lives. Students designed and created their very own rain gauge to collect rainwater. They placed these gauges in the school garden to measure how much rain they could collect. It was lots of fun!
Community Connections - Farm 2 Table
On Wednesday, 23rd October, 1BC had an exciting day in the garden and the kitchen. Our families came to celebrate with us and enjoy a special meal. The Year 1’s used these vegetables and herbs from the garden to make a delicious vegetable slice and apple chimichangas. They learnt how to set the table, serve food and wash dishes. Thank you to Ms Frau, Leanne and the parents for helping and making this an enjoyable experience.
Mathematics - Three-dimensional Objects
In Mathematics, students have been learning about three-dimensional objects. Students have been identifying the names and properties of three-dimensional objects in the classroom and at home. These include: edges, faces, vertices and curved surfaces.
Students in 1MJ had lots of fun constructing three-dimensional objects from matchsticks and working together to make three-dimensional objects using magnetic tiles and large rods and connecting spheres.